Chapter 23: Dinner Party

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You were ready, sitting on a barstool waiting on Kylo. You were reading his copy of R&J again. He walked up behind you. The top of his hair was pulled back. "You look like that Jedi, Qui-Gon Jin." He sighed and took his hair down. "No! That's sexy!" He chuckled and put it back up.

"My hair isn't long enough to be Qui-Gon, I'll never let it get that long." He looked at the book you were reading. "Hey what is this." You gestured to the missing print. "I've read that play millions of times, that it where I rest my thumb when I read. I'm sorry... I never thought anyone else would ever be reading it."

You smiled, "No it's ok... I think it's cute." He gave you his hand and you took it gaining your balance. Your legs were still weak. He firmly wrapped his arm around you helping you stand.

"Shall we?" You nodded and he lead you to the dining hall.

Sam already sat on one side of the table. Hux stood behind him talking to a waitress. Kylo sat down across from an empty seat, you sat beside him across from Sam. The waitress walked out and Hux sat down.

Sam noticed your discomfort as your shifted around on the chair. "Y/N you ok? You seem a little uncomfortable." You looked up at him. "Oh yeah I'm fine... this chair is just umm... hard." Hux cocked an eyebrow and then turned his attention to the opening door.

Many men stepped in with plates and serving platters. You had never seen so much food in your life. The servers placed the food in the middle of the table. Hux snapped his finger, "Excuse me, will you get a cushion for Ms. Y/N. She is in a bit of discomfort."

The server nodded and walked out the door. "Hux you don't have to..." Kylo placed a hand on your thigh. "It's ok, that's what they are getting paid for." You nodded.

Sam still looked at you questioning your body language. You did a good job of hiding every bruise on your body, Kylo had found some old powder and foundation that he made from clay. He said he used to use it to hide his beauty marks.

You told him they were called beauty marks for a reason, reassuring him he was gorgeous. "HA! You guys slept together! That's why your uncomfortable. I knew that walk looked familiar! I have limp like that every morning!" Kylo's head snapped to Sam, he gave him a death stare and Sam dug into his three corse meal.

"Wow Kylo... you must be packing if you hurt Y/N. She's like a mighty oxen when it comes to hiding that stuff. She's always been tough." Your face burned along with your brand. "Wouldn't you like to know, pretty boy."

Sam's eyes narrowed, "What did you just call me?" Hux tried to stop Sam but he knocked the silverware out of Kylo's hand when he didn't respond. Kylo looked up at him, "I called you a pretty boy. That's what you are isn't it?" Hux was now on his feet trying to keep his husband from the raging man.

Sam looked at you then back at Kylo. "Yes I may be a pretty boy, but at least I know how to control myself. At least I don't go crazy from one touch!" Sam smashed his finger into Kylo's chest. Kylo grabbed his hand and flipped it over. Sam's back landed on the table, his eyes still looking up at Kylo.

"I have control. I just don't choose to use it when your sister is begging for mercy, screaming my name." He pinned Sam down with one arm. You stood in shock as you watched them fight, you couldn't move a muscle.

Sam tried to get up but Kylo pounded him back making the dishes jump. They looked at each other for a while before Kylo threw Sam's hands away from his own. Kylo looked at you glaring at him before storming out the door.

Sam sat up and laughed. "Holy shit! That was thrilling!" Hux helped him off the table. "What the hell was that? Why are you laughing?" Sam brushed off his outfit. "Well I knew Kylo has some emotions that he wasn't letting go, he needed someone to let off steam. And I sure as hell wouldn't have let that person be you." Sam smiled at you.

"It hurt like hell but it was worth it." You sighed and walked over to Sam. You hugged him. "Now dear, go talk to him." You nodded and went back to Kylo's room.

He sat on the sofa that looked like it was barley used. He caressed the R&J book with his thumb. "Hey..." you said approaching him. He looked up at you closing the book. "Is Sam ok? You nodded, "Yeah he'll be ok..."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sit there and watch him make fun of you, even if he is just your brother." You laughed. "It's ok, you were just coming down from your high." His discarded the book to the side of the couch and stood over you. He hugged you tightly and kissed the top of your head.

"I love you Y/N." You wrapped your arms around him. "I love you too."

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