Chapter 41: Unforgetable Moments

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You woke up and Sam was wrapped around you while Hux stood in the kitchen. "Hux? Help?" He looked over at you and laughed, "See what I have to deal with... all I can say is good luck." You pushed Sam off of you and didn't wake him up. "Thank the gods!" Hux laughed and slid you a breakfast, "Thanks!" He smiled and nodded. He leaned on the bar, "So any second thoughts?" You smiled as you felt the slight presence of Kylo in your mind, "Never."

Hux nodded and walked over to Sam. He poked him with his finger, "Are you dead yet Samuel?" Sam groaned and rolled over, "No! I'm still alive.... I think." Hux chuckled and walked into the bathroom waking Sam up. He tried to go in but you stopped him. "No Sam it's my wedding day!" He groaned, "But it's Armitage!"

"I don't care! Do not enter that bathroom!" He sighed and took a bite of your bacon. "Mmm Armi, this meat is really good!" You rolled your eyes, "I'm not in the bathroom Y/N." You sighed, "You know that's not what I meant." Hux stepped out in a tuxedo. Sam walked over to him and "fixed" his bow tie.

"Perfect!" It was lopsided. Hux put it back where it was and grabbed Sam's hands. "Not again love.." it was a nice red and black tux. "That looks good on you Hux." He smiled, "Thank you Y/N... Kylo picked it out with me yesterday morning. We got it fitted while you were on your scavenger hunt." You smiled and nodded.

"Hey so any clue what my wedding dress looks like?" Hux smirked, "Armi is really good at keeping secrets..." Sam looked at Hux and he looked impatient, "But I'm not, it's a beautiful white-" Hux covered his mouth and Sam bit his finger. Hux pulled him against his chest and whispered in his ear. Sam's shoulders shook and he ran into the bathroom, "I'm sorry Y/N!" Hux bowed his head at you and followed Sam.

Where are you? My room... why? Trying to steer clear of you... Sam and Hux are having some fun in the bathroom and I don't want to hear that again. Please stay in your room. Kylo laughed. Will do love.

You walked out the door and walked to The Duck Hun. You were so bored without Kylo. You walked in and your dad sat on the bed. "Morning dear!" He yelled loudly. "Did you hear me Lydia? Y/N is here!" Your mother sighed, "Common Ducky, let her see her dress please!" You smiled, "No! I swore to Kylo that I'd hide it! And frankly I don't want to make him mad on his wedding day!" You giggled.

"It's beautiful dear... say what you will about Kylo but he has an amazing fashion sense." You nodded. "Oh my gosh Ducky, our daughter is getting married in an hour now! She can finally see the dress!" Your mom stepped out of the bathroom holding a beautiful white dress. It was gorgeous with had a v neck and a slit up the leg.

"Oh my Grevious! I love it!" You walked back into the bathroom and slid the dress on

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"Oh my Grevious! I love it!" You walked back into the bathroom and slid the dress on. It fit you perfectly. "Perfect!" Your mother said as you turned around. You walked out and showed your father, his mouth fell open. "It's.... beautiful, you're beautiful, you're growing up too fast." You saw a tear escape his eye and you hugged him. "Awe dad! Thank you..."

Sam and Hux entered the room Sam now in a suit. "Wow Y/N... that dress." Hux spoke up. You smiled, Sam walked over to you and spun you around. "You look amazing!" He pulled you into a hug and let down your hair that was in a messy bun. It fell around your face. "Leave it down." Hux said smiling. Sam nodded, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

Hux nodded, "Also something to accent that brand. I think it should stand out." Hux looked up at you. "Anyway you can accent it?" You nodded, Babe, make my brand glow they wanna see something. The brand glowed red. Hux and Sam nodded. Double tap when you want it to stop. "Looks great!" You spun around once more and your mom handed you white heels. "Thanks."

You slid them on giving you a couple of inches. "Now we wait.... I'm going to go check on the groom." Hux said leaving. Your family stood around the room. "New memories are made in this room every month." Sam said looking around. You nodded, "You can say that again." Everyone laughed and you sighed.

"This is going to be fun... I guess." Your dad laughed. "I'm sure he's as nervous as you. I sure was when I was about to marry your mother. I thought I wasn't enough for her." You nodded and kissed your dads head, "Your perfect for each other." Sam placed a hand on your shoulder, "As are you and Kylo." You smiled and nodded. Sam got a message on his pad. He looked at it and smiled. "All ready to go! Let's get this over with!"

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