Chapter 24: Normal

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You woke up with Kylo basically breaking your ribs from squeezing. His face was twitching, and every so often he groaned. He quickly sat up making you jump, your head smashed into the bed frame.

He looked around and breathed heavily. You rubbed your head and got up beside him. He grabbed your wrist and looked at your head. "Morning!" You said sarcastically. Kylo got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. You laid there and tried to look into his mind. His barriers were stronger than ever. Kylo. No.

You rolled out of the bed and walked into the kitchen. You looked in the cabinets and found a waffle iron. You followed the steps that you remembered from Kylo making the pancakes. You poured the batter on the waffle iron and cooked them.

You placed the waffles on a plate. You grabbed some blueberries and syrup. You made the waffle look like Kylo's helmet. You weren't a good artist so it looked more like a bundle of blueberries.

You yawned and decided to lay back down, waiting for him to get out of his shower. You snuggled up in the warm blankets and drifted back to sleep. You stretched your limbs to find an empty room. You looked around, the waffles were gone, the plates were washed, and the bathroom door was open.

You got up, Kylo? Where are you? Training room, I didn't want to wake you. You sighed and got dressed. You grabbed your lightsaber and was out the door. Meet me at The Great Hall. Snoke would like to meet you. You felt your heart drop to your stomach.

Snoke? The Snoke? Yes, now hurry the first thing you need to know about Snoke is, he does not like to wait.

You let Kylo's presence guide you to The Great Hall. You were nervous and your hands started to sweat. Kylo was already inside speaking with the Supreme Leader. "You are weak to let the woman into your heart. Weak just like your father, all heart, and no brain." Kylo looked up at the huge hologram and nodded.

"You may enter Lady Y/N." Snoke said noticing you at the door. Kylo looked back at you and then quickly looked at the floor in front of him. "You are very strong in the arts of the Sith, Y/N." He said as you joined Kylo's side. "Thank you sir." You bowed your head.

"Trained by my student. I am very proud of his work. I have seen that you are the granddaughter of Count Dooku. Is this correct?" You kept a strait face as Kylo kept his attention to the floor. "Yes sir, I received confirmation from my father not too long ago. He is the son of Dooku." Snoke sat back in his chair. "And that is his lightsaber that you wield." You nodded.

"I also understand that you have strong feelings for my apprentice, here." Your heart was in your throat. "Do not fear me child, I do not disapprove of this relationship," for the first time Kylo looked up. "You fill him with an unfamiliar passion. It confuses him, but it causes him to fight for you. I believe it makes him stronger. But I promise you Y/N, if you were to ever change your mind about him, you will be executed, and he will execute you."

You stared Snoke in the eye, "You'll never have to worry about that Supreme Leader, for it will never happen." In the corner of your eye you could see a smug smirk on Kylo's face. "We will see Y/N. Now you two are dismissed." Snoke disappeared and Kylo grabbed you by the waist. He hoisted you over his shoulder making you squeal. "Let me go you big oaf." He twirled you around holding your thighs tightly.

You beat his shoulder and he laughed setting you on the ground. "What was that for?" He put his hand at the back of your head and pulled you in for a kiss. "I love you Y/N." You giggled. "I love you too!"

His eyes lit up like he had gotten a sudden idea. "We should go on vacation!" You smiled at him questioningly. "Vacation?" He nodded, you had never seen this side of Kylo. You wondered if this was what Ben Solo was like. "Yeah we can go to Tatooine and-" he stopped and dropped his arms from your shoulders.

"I forgot, didn't I?" You smiled, "Forgot what?" He rummaged in his pocket and pulled out something, "This." He opened a black box, "Y/N Duckiro Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man in the galaxy and marry me?" A black diamond with a grey silver band stared back at you glistening in the light. "How could you forget that?!" He laughed. "Of corse I'll marry you Ren!" You pulled him up by his shirt and kissed him.

He slid the ring on your finger. "I need to go tell Sam before we leave." He smiled and nodded. "I'll be right behind you."

You ran out the door still looking at the ring. You slid down the hallway of Sam's work station. Hux sat in his chair and Sam sat straddling his legs kissing him. Hux saw you and pushed Sam off of him. "Armi, it was just getting good!" Hux wiped his mouth and pointed at you. "So much for self control! You said when Sam saw you.

You shoved your hand behind your back. "I have to get back to work." Hux said walking out the door fixing his half unbuttoned uniform. "How is it that you always find us in the worst places!" You laughed as Sam sat down in his chair, he shifted until he was leaning on his control panel. "Sorry, I just have very exciting news!"

Sam looked you up and down studying you. "The family name is now officially gone!" You pulled out your ring finger and flaunted the ring. Sam's eyes were wide as moons. "Holy Sith!" He hugged you. "We are going to Tatooine tomorrow, I can't wait to show mother!" Sam nodded.

"Well you are going to have gorgeous children." He walked over to the door, Kylo leaned on the doorframe. Sam hugged him and Kylo patted him on the back. "Also have fun of Tatooine, I know how much you hate sand." Kylo tensed up, "Ren... don't tell me you forgot Tatooine is a sand planet." Sam said stepping back.

Kylo clicked his tongue and sighed. You giggled, "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the sand monsters!"

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