Chapter 16: Morning

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You sighed and rolled over. Kylo laid at your side fully awake. "Morning." You said placing a small peck on his lips. "Good morning, does the lark already call, and are you excited for the nightingale?" You smiled at him. "You read my mind!" He chuckled.

"I'm glad you read Shakespeare. He is only for the most cultured people."

(Yes I know they live in a galaxy far away and don't know who Shakespeare is. I just think if he did exist with them Kylo would be his biggest fan.)

You giggled and booped his nose. "Kylo oh, Kylo, wherefore art thou Kylo." He chuckled. "I'm here... and I will always be here, right beside you." You smiled and heard a knock at your door. Kylo rolled out of the bed and put on his boxers.

He opened the door and Sam pushed past Kylo. He ran over to you. "OH MY SITH! Thank Grevious, I thought you had gotten lost, you weren't in your room. Then Hux told me about last night, and the noise complaints!" Your face turned a new shade of crimson as your brother told you about how he worried for you.

Kylo scratched the back of his neck walking to the kitchen area. Sam got up from his place beside you and walked over to Kylo. "And you mister! You have no right to do that to my sister!" Kylo laughed at your brother thinking he was cute.

You got out of the bed and quickly slipped into your underwear. Kylo looked past Sam. "I had those washed last night, there is a less revealing pair of yours in my bathroom. I had the troopers collect some new clothes for you." Your brothers mouth fell open. "You went in her room!"

Kylo looked down at your brother his smile fading. "You act like you didn't sneak into Hux's room and steal his stuff without him knowing." Your brother looked down. "Yeah, I know about your little collection of his underwear before anything happened between the two of you. Hux may not like me, but I'm the only one he can talk to."

Kylo pushed your brother back a little with his hand. "Y/N! He put his hands on me!" You walked out of the bathroom now in the more vanilla underwear. "You probably deserved it." You sat at the barstool. "You want pancakes?" Kylo asked over his shoulder. "Do I ever!" Sam yelled. "I'll go get Armi, we can eat breakfast together!" Your brother skipped out the door and you shut it behind him.

"Your brother is an interesting character." You giggled as he pulled out ingredients. You walked over to his dresser and pulled out a black long sleeved t-shirt. Kylo mixed the batter and poured it into a pan.

"I like the way you look in my clothes... keep that shirt." You smiled, "Oh I wasn't planning on giving it back!" He hummed as he made fifteen pancakes, bacon and eggs.

You looked around his room. Everything was either black or a dark gray. His helmet was now on some kinda stand. You carefully made the bed with the force out of boredom. Hux and Sam walked into the door the scent attacking their noses.

"Smells good Ren." Hux said approvingly. "I know." Kylo said glancing at you. You scrunched your nose smiling at him. He walked from behind the counter and walked into the bathroom. Sam ran over and sat beside you.

"Tell me all about it!" He said placing his hands on your legs. Hux didn't look at you but you could tell he was listening. "Well when we went on the mission I kinda had been teasing him the entire day... and he finally snapped when we got to the base. That's when Hux caught us, he was escorting me here." Hux chuckled lightly. "Then everything happened... and I must say... I still haven't come down all the way from last night. It was amazing, the best I've ever had."

Sam nodded, "Hell yeah! Well I'm happy for you chick! But you know it's my job to give him a hard time." You giggled, you couldn't recall the last time you'd laughed this much in a span of days.

Kylo walked out of the bathroom with damp hair and a matching black shirt and jeans on. "Day off?" Hux asked sarcastically. "We all need days off from time to time." Kylo sighed and fixed himself and you a plate. He handed you the plate and sat on the other side of you.

You walked behind him and used the hair tie around your wrist to put his hair in a little man bun. "Cute!" You smiled. He nodded and continued to eat. Hux fixed Sam a plate but he didn't eat. "You good Hux?" You asked referring to the empty plate in front of him.

He nodded, "I already ate. Plus I had a lot to eat last night." Hux winked at Sam. Sam quickly changed the conversation. "Armi gets up at 5:30 every morning!" You almost choked on your coffee. "Dang! I could never." Kylo chuckled. "Yes Y/N, we all know you like to sleep until the afternoon." You punched his arm. "I deserved to sleep late due to last night." He looked at you with a face that said, 'Were doing this.' When you smiled at him it changed to an 'Alright we are doing this.'

"I'm sorry... did I wear you out?" Sam put himself in between the two of you. "Not in front of my virgin ears!!!" Hux chuckled, "Right love. Think what you must to get threw the day, but we all know the monsters we become when the sun sets." You nodded in agreement to Hux's deep statement. "Who said it had to be night time?" Kylo said finishing his plate. "Just saying Ren."

Hux's holopad beeped violently he checked it and he looked nervous. "Good luck Ren, Master Snoke demands you see him right away. Something about Y/N. You don't think he could've felt what you did!" Kylo pushed his plate into the sink. "Let's hope not." He said calmly. He put on his helmet and was out the door.

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