Chapter 17: Snoke

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Kylo walked down the hallway, he was nervous, but he'd had been chewed out before by Snoke for doing worse things. The big heavy door opened ant the Supreme Leader of The First Order sat dead center. "Kylo Ren. I am relieved that you finally decided to show yourself. You didn't update me of your mission, can you please inform me what kept you occupied."

Kylo looked up at at the man. "Master you know I cannot lie. You have caught me in many lies before. So therefore I must admit that I was partaking in inappropriate actions with my new apprentice, Y/N." Snoke didn't move a muscle he just stared down at his student. "Remove your helmet boy! I want to look you in the eyes." Snoke hissed.

Kylo reached up slowly and pushed the buttons to remove his helmet. He held it in his hands. "First you slay your wife for an unnecessary reason! And now you do this! I am very disappointed in you Solo." Kylo's jaw clinched at the mention of his old name.

"You Solo weren't careful. Did you know that after you arrived on the planet they hid a camera in the ship? They saw what you and Y/N took part in, and they gave it to the Resistance! You know who was the first to see that boy? That display of affection?" Kylo shook his head. "Your parents. They now think there is a light in you, therefore they will come fore her. They now know your weakness, they know out weakness." Kylo's knuckles were a bright white.

"YOU ARE DISMISSED!" Snoke yelled when Kylo didn't say anything. Kylo put his helmet back on and left the room.
When Hux and Sam left you started on the dishes that were left from breakfast. You always loved to do dishes, it gave you a since of comfort, being alone with your thoughts. When you finished you looked around the room. You were drawn to nearby bookcases that were filled to the brim.

You'd never seen so many books. You traced your finger along the spines reading all the titles. Most of the books looked like they'd been read over a hundred times, being worn but in good condition. A mans books collection can say a lot about him. You grabbed what you were looking for and sat down on a love seat.

You opened the book and found that some of the ink on the pages had been rubbed off. Not intentionally, you knew that must have been where Kylo rested his fingers while reading. You curled your legs up under your body and leaned on the arm.

'Mercutio: Alas, poor Romeo. He is already dead. Stabbed with a white winches black eye, run threw the ear with a love song.' You smiled while you read. You had read Romeo and Juliet dozens of times. Along with Othello, Midsummers Night Dream, Taming of The Shrew, Hamlet, and many others.

The door flung open and Kylo glanced at you. He was completely tense, all of his muscles locked into one place. He walked towards you with about five big strides, while taking his helmet off. He smashed his lips into yours, you groaned lightly.

He grabbed the book from your hand and threw it to the floor carefully. He grabbed your waist and pulled you off the loveseat. He sat down and pulled you on top of him. While he was distracted kissing you, you entered his mind. "I am very disappointed in you Solo!"

You pulled away from the kiss and he leaned forwards. You pushed him back by his chest. "Kylo...?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" He put his hands on your waist.

"Did Snoke yell at you?" He rolled his eyes and rested his head on your shoulder, "Yes... but it doesn't matter. We have training to do." He pushed you off of him and grabbed his helmet off the floor handing you your lightsaber and belt. You got dressed in the clothes the troopers had brought you.

"Let's go." You said skipping out the door. Kylo caught up behind you trying to get in front. You didn't let him, waning him to study the way you swayed your hips. As you reached the training room you opened it like Kylo always had, with the force. "Today you will learn more combat."

You tilted your head. "Why? I'm a great fighter." He turned around and faced you. "I- I don't care." He had an approaching tone of annoyance in his voice. "As your master you will do as I say. Do you understand." You hadn't seen this side of Kylo in a quick minute.

The side that was frustrated at you, the one who didn't care. "Yes master." During the training session Kylo never took off his helmet, it bothered you, but you knew he wanted to look scary. His lightsaber sent sparks flying landing all over your face and clothes, almost setting them on fire a couple of times.

"Why is your saber like that?" His saber fell to his side. "The crystal inside is cracked. It is a lot easier to fight with due to the sparks. Some people cannot handle the smell of burning flesh." He traced his cold leather glove over the biggest burn on your skin causing it to ache.

You winched, "Does that hurt?" He asked carefully making circles over the burn. You nodded your head and looked down. You quickly grabbed your chin pulling you up to meet his eyes. "You will learn to handle pain." The door opened with a hiss and Kylo let go of your face. Hux stood in the doorway. "Master Ren finally! We are under attack, the Resistance is here!"

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