Chapter 2: Arrival

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You finally arrived at the StarKiller. It was a lot bigger than you expected. A sharp and cold voice rang threw out the intercom on the speakers. "State your business." Your brother smirked, "Transporting a new recruit. I'm pilot 2124" a silence filled the ship. "Welcome home Samuel."

"He's knows your name, your actual name? The General Hux?" Your brother laughed, "There is a reason for everything Y/N." You we're confused but then you saw your brother trace a ring on his finger. "Sam don't tell me..." he smiled. "Hux is a good guy." You smacked his arm playfully, "You got married and didn't invite me! I would have loved to see that."

He laughed again and landed the ship. He opened the hatch and Hux was already waiting for him outside the door. "Armitage this is my sister, Y/N." Hux smirked at you, "It's nice to finally meet you Y/N. Your brother never shuts up about you." You smiled. "I bet."

You wiggled your eye brow at Sam and he rolled his eyes. "Do you know where she'll be stationed Armi?" Hux nodded, "Yes, she'll have her own troop to instruct. Y/N, me and Master Ren have both seen your fighting skills, we are both pleased." You smiled at him and your cheeks started to hurt.

"Thank you. It means a lot to be here." He nodded and both Sam and Hux tensed up as you felt a warmth behind you. Sam's eyes grew wide and you turned around. You immediately looked up at a mask looking down at you. Kylo Ren.

He broke your gaze and looked over to you at Hux. "Master Snoke requests our presence." The air smelt of fire as he stood over you. He turned on his heel after sneaking another glimpse of you.

Hux followed closely after him. You relaxed not even realizing you were tense. Sam placed a hand on your shoulder, "Well then... that's Kylo." You sighed, "Where am I going to be working?" Your brother took your arm and lead you to a control room. A commander and a Stormtrooper stood in the middle. The trooper was different having silver metal armor, rather than the standard white plastic. You knew exactly who she was.

"Captain Phasma?" The Commander and the Captain turned around. "Ah finally Y/N has arrived." She walked towards you and shook your hand. "It is great to meet you Y/N. I am very impressed and pleased with all the bounty hunting you have done for The First Order in the past." You smiled at the old memories.

After your brother left that's how you kept yourself occupied. It helped your family finically, your parents were retired. "Thank you Captain Phasma. It's great finally meeting you as well."

"Well follow me to get your armor and blaster. I'm sure you don't need any training?" You chuckled, "No ma'am." She lead you down the hall to an open room full of Stormtroopers. They all stood at attention as Phasma entered.

"At ease soldiers." She said roughly. They all sat down or went back to their tasks. "Here you are Y/N." She gestured to a pile of skin tight black clothes, plastic armor, and a big white helmet. "Thank you."

She nodded at you, "I'm guessing you'll be staying in the Duck Hun, your brother isn't occupying it." You laughed. The Duck Hun was your father's room that he built for himself when he built this base. "Yes captain." She walked out the door and you looked around, all the troopers were looking at you. You knew they were waiting for you to change. "Maybe next time boys."

They all sighed or groaned and you took your stuff. You knew exactly where The Duck Hun was. Your father had given you specific instructions to find it anywhere on the ship.

You arrived at the door and it opened for you as you placed your hand on the scanner. You looked in the room. It was small, but bigger than your room at home. It was simple, the walls were white, the floor black, and a black bed and dresser sat on the wall. Along with a bathroom.

It was cute and you were impressed with your fathers craftsmanship. You placed the uniform on the bed and quickly got dressed ready to begin your first day.

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