Chapter 28: Home

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You let out a breath as you collapsed on the bed. You missed the smell of the room. Kylo changed into his regular clothes. "So who are we interrogating?" Kylo turned to you and shrugged. "I wasn't given a name... just a status, that's all the stormtroopers could get out of him."

You held your hand out to him and he pulled you off the bed. "I want you to watch, do not say anything." You nodded, "Yes Master Ren." He shook his hands, "Don't do that either... that name sounds different on your lips." You giggled. "What these lips?" You kissed Kylo's neck and he pulled you by your hair. You groaned softly.

"Please Y/N. I promise I'll do anything you want when we get back." You nodded and looked innocently at him. He turned around letting you go. You followed him to the familiar hallway, the place you saw Kylo with his helmet off for the first time. The time you realized you wanted him.

The door slid open and the metal of the restraints clinked as the man struggled. Kylo pointed to the bench and you sat down. "Y/N?" You looked up and remembered the pilot. "Poe?" Kylo stepped in front of you. "What were you doing in my atmosphere?" You sat back down and studied Kylo's body language.

"It's funny really, because it has to do with her." He nodded his head towards you. "Enlighten me." Poe laughed. "How about you leave and I'll tell her. I'm not telling you." You sat up knowing Kylo wouldn't like this. "I am not here to make deals you ignorant waste of flesh."

Kylo stepped towards Poe and held up his hand. It shook as Poe screamed, "You won't get anything from me Ben!! I'm strong! AGGGHHHH!" Poe strained in the chair, his veins popping out of his head. "Kylo! Stop!" Kylo's head snapped in your direction. "I'll just tell you what he said... I'll be ok I promise."

"That's not what I-" Kylo looked at Poe then back at you. He sighed and stormed out the door. "Scary boyfriend... huh?" You held your left hand up.
"Fiancé... actually." Poe nodded, "Oh.."

"So why are you here? What about me?" He sighed, "Well do you ever look in a mirror... I mean look at you! I knew I couldn't trust you the moment I saw you, but you made me want to throw that all to the wind when you flirted with me. You are gorgeous... and I need you, I want you. That's why I'm here."

Your face was on fire, Poe was a nice looking man. Not to mention the way he spoke, it was so gentle and sweet. You approached him and leaned towards his face, your lips were inches away. "Your sweet Poe, but I only love one man. And that man's name is Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, whatever the hell you want to call him. I am his, and he is mine."

You rested your arm on the side of the table. A button beeped and Poe slid off the table. He got to his feet and stood in front of you he grabbed your chin and placed a kiss on your lips. "Sorry..." he then punched you, knocking you out.

You woke up on the cold floor of the room. Your head pounded and the room was a bright red. It looked like it was burning. You tasted blood. You quickly sat up trying to regain yourself. "You let him go." A deep voice said from behind you. You turned around and Kylo sat on the bench.

"You let him go to kiss him... and then he escaped." Kylo's voice was shaky threw his helmet. You swore you saw a tear run down his neck. "YOU LET HIM GO!" He stood up, he looked intimidating from this vantage point, the man standing over you. "YOU KISSED HIM! I loved you Y/-" he choked on his words.

"Tell me it isn't true." You stood up... "And if it was." He sighed. "I- I don't know..." He's never sounded more unsure talking to you. "I love you, and only you, Kylo Ren. Don't ever doubt that for a second in your life." You walked out the door and went to Sam's room. Kylo didn't follow you, he knew where you were going.

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