Chapter 7: Drinking Buddy

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You arrived at a part of the base you had never seen before. It was a little dining room with a round table and a bar to the side. You reached the bar before Kylo. You ran behind it and he sat down at a stool. He was tense and sat up straight.

"What do you drink?" You asked as he looked in your direction. The bar didn't have much but it was enough to get two people wasted. "Chandrila Bourbon." You looked under the bar and found a huge bottle of it. A hissing noise from above the bar made you smile.

You knew Kylo had taken off his helmet. You got up from the floor with two glasses. You poured one for you and him. "I wouldn't drink that..." you looked up at him and he stared at you intensely. "Why not, you don't think I can drink heavy?"

He smirked at you. "Well if you say so." He took a swig and winced. Oh fuck. If that makes him wince I'm gonna die! You nervously laughed and took a little sip. You immediately regretted not just drinking wine. You shamelessly spit the alcohol back into the glass. He laughed relaxing.

"To much?" You coughed. "How the HELL do you drink that! I can feel my tongue swelling! It burns!" You complained. "Some people just have a tolerance..." he said challenging you. "Oh you didn't..." you said looking into his eyes. His smile became playful.

You picked up the glass chugged it and slammed it on the bar. You felt like vomiting, but you held it back in spite of him. He looked at you surprised. "Good show." He said clapping. You tried to keep your composure, but you felt it coming back up your throat. You cringed.

"I'll be right back." You ran out from behind the bar. "Two doors down!" He yelled at you. He was telling you where the bathroom was, he knew what you were about to do.

—•— (Means POV changes to Kylo's)

Kylo finished his drink, you had been gone for a while. He assumed that the drink had made you sick. When you asked what drink he wanted he made sure to get the strongest one, knowing you would drink it. You were stubborn, and he knew it.

He knocked on the bathroom door. You didn't answer. He knocked a little harder, "Y/N are you in there?" He rolled his eyes and opened the door. He walked in and found you hugging the toilet. Your eyes were closed, he felt your pulse and sighed revealed you were still alive. He grabbed a rag and wet it a little wiping the excess vomit on your lip.

This was a very flattering moment for you. The drool pouring out of your mouth made him smile a little. He picked you up off the toilet and hoisted you over his shoulder. He flushed and walked out the door shutting it with his foot.

He made his way to The Duck Hun, many people passed him in the hall giving him strange looks. He opened your door and carefully placed you on the bed. He took your lightsaber out of your holster and placed it on the night stand. No accidents tonight. He thought to himself.

He wrapped you up in the blankets, careful not to wake you. He wiped the drool off his robes and left the room. Sam was standing outside your door and looked at Kylo in disgust as he snuck out of your room. Sam startled Kylo. "No, it's not... it's not what it looks like." Sam raised an eyebrow. "Ren you just met her!" Kylo cleared his throat. "She got wasted, vomited, and then passed out. I didn't want to leave her to wake up on the toilet."

Sam's expression softened. "You did that for her? Why?" Kylo adjusted his helmet, "She did well in training. She deserved it." Sam nodded, "Thank you Ren." Kylo nodded and continued his route to his room. Why did I do that for her?

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