Chapter 13: Travel

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When you walked down the hall to the training room you practically skipped. You were excited to see Kylo. Last night you dreamed of him, you sat in his ship. You sat on his lap in between his legs as he played with your hair. He told you about all he could do for you, and how happy you would be with him.

It was a sweet dream and you hated waking up. You entered the room and it was empty. Kylo was usually early. You noticed a note in the chair that Kylo sat in as he waited for you.

'Dearest Y/N,
There will be no training today. I know last night I had told you we were to train, but I have some business to attend to on an ally planet. If you wish to join me you will have to catch me. I hope you've arrived early today.' You could hear his arrogant smile through the paper.

You looked at the clock on the wall, you were five minutes early. You ran to the loading bay. As you arrived your eyes scanned the ships looking for Kylo's. It sat in the middle of the runway, it's thrusters already activated.

It lifted off the ground and you used the force to slow it down. You weren't powerful enough to stop it. Even slowing it down hurt. Stop. You are hurting yourself. You took a deep breath and let the ship go. The thrusters turned off and the hatch opened.

Kylo walked over to you and grabbed you by the small of your back leading you to the ship. "That was unnecessary. I was going to stop the ship when I saw you. Looks like someone's eager to see me." You rolled your eyes and sat down in Kylo's center chair.

"Did you enjoy your dream last night?" You looked up at him not understanding. "I saw you don't dream often. So I decided to give you something nice to look at." He picked you up off the chair, pulling you close to him.

"You enjoy the way I smell that much Y/N?" You blushed remembering you smelling the dress. You didn't even know why you did that, something just came over you. He took his seat and spread his legs. He patted the empty spot in the middle of his legs. You shrugged and sat down.

The pilot glanced back at you two. Kylo flicked his fingers locking his head in the forward position. You turned to the side letting your legs hang off the left arm of the chair, while your head rested on Kylo's arm on the right one.

You made your fingers look like legs and made them walk up his leg. He watched you mess around being bored. His breathing grew heavier as you reached the top of his pants.

You smiled knowing that you were 100% messing with him. You made your fingers run back down his leg and over your stomach. He grabbed at your hand wanting it to return to its previous position. You yanked it away and wiggled your finger at him. "Not here, love."

You tapped his helmet where you estimated his nose to be. He retraced his head a little, you giggled and got up from your seat. You walked around the ship, finding hidden compartments and small droids. Though Kylo didn't follow directly behind you could feel his presence close.

You opened a small hatch and looked down into it. Weapons. You admired the range of guns and battle staffs. You popped your head out of the floor hatch. Kylo leaned up against the wall, you jumped not knowing he was there.

(The upcoming paragraphs are not smut BTW. I will always put a warning before the smut stuff.)

"How did you get there?" He chuckled, "I can be quiet when I want too." You stood, "Thats surprising." You knew he was smiling at you. He quickly removed his helmet and let it fall to the ground. He pushed you up against the wall and kissed you. "You are such a tease... and it's killing me...I need to show you who's the boss." He said between kisses.

He trailed his fingertips along your curves, tracing them. "That dress made you look ravishing." His voice started to drop again. You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. They were dark, and full of lust. "No." You said matching his deep tone.

His face twitched with the word like he had never heard it before. "Again? You are going to leave me to please myself again?" He hissed. You closed the hatch with your foot and picked up his helmet quickly, making sure not to bend over.

You shoved the helmet into his chest. "That is not the reason I came on this mission. You need to learn patience, Kylo." His jaw clenched as his breaths grew heavier. He walked past you slamming his shoulder into yours.

"Child." You mumbled to yourself as he walked towards the cockpit.

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