Chapter 22: "Rain Check" (Explicit)

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You inhaled sharply, you missed him, you missed his touch, you missed how careful he was with you, you missed his scent, you missed his everything. You reached up to the bottom of his helmet and pressed the buttons. You threw it to the side and smashed your lips into his not caring that the door was still open. Kylo held his hand out to close it but you grabbed it.

"If they wanna watch, let them." He looked at you a little unsure but then returned to the kiss. Kylo chuckled, "So much for a rain check."

"Well you were the one to say 'Rain check my ass." Kylo flipped over so he was on top of you. He stared to trail kisses down your neck. He left a huge love mark on your collarbone. You moaned as he bit at your sensitive skin. He pulled back and got off the bed. You groaned at the loss of contact.

He grabbed his lightsaber off the kitchen counter and walked back at you with a skip in his step. The way he looked at you was super scary, he only looked at people he fought like that. He ignited the saber and hopped back on you. He straddled your legs.

The saber hung over your body, glowing hotly. He brought it to your neck and pinned your hands over your head, "Tell me is this is too much." He growled.

His eyes were filled with lust. He slowly cut off almost all of your clothes, excluding your underwear. A mark went down your inner thighs where he got a little too excited.

He threw the lightsaber away, you winced at the sudden pain that filled your legs, settling in your lower abdomen. Kylo removed his belt and reached for your hands. He used the belt to tightly tie your hands to the bed frame. You swallowed hard looking into his dark eyes.

He kissed you again and lead his mouth down to the valley of your breast. He reached behind you and unclasped your bra. You groaned as the cold air hit your chest. He reached his hand up to your mouth giving you his middle finger.

"Take them off." He was talking about his gloves. You took his finger in your mouth and pushed it as far as you could down your throat. "I- I said- take. It. Off." He had trouble speaking but his voice grew annoyed.

You pushed his finger out of your mouth with your tongue and graped the end of it with your teeth. He retracted his hand and you spit the glove out. He repeated his actions with the other hand.

"Good girl. Now don't disobey your master again. Do you understand, my apprentice?" You nodded. "Say it." He mused, "Yes master, I understand." He smiled. "Good." His hand snaked down to your lace panties. He clicked his tongue at the pool that was building in your underwear.

"Already so wet for me, and I've barley touched you." He slipped his fingers under the remaining clothing. His left hand still remained on your chest.

His long fingers teased you running threw your folds. "I've been waiting on you for so long, Y/N. I'm glad you are safe, but I'm about to pound you into this bed so hard you won't be able to stand." You felt your legs turn to jelly as he skillfully slipped two of his digits into your core.

He already knew where the perfect spot was due to your last encounter. He swirled his fingers, curling them every so often, grazing your sensitive nerves. You moaned every second. He watched your face as you arched your back. "Kylo! I'm getting close!"

"I know... I know..." he pulled his fingers out. "No! That's doesn't mean stop!" You bucked you hips. "Patience my love." Kylo got down on his knees. His face now approaching your heat. "Let's see if you taste as good as you look." He said breaking your gaze.

His pink tongue went the same route of his fingers. His nose rested on your clit, he moved carefully. You wanted so badly to touch him, to feel his hair. You pulled at his belt and he reached up to your hand. He growled, "No. Stop." Sending vibrations threw your core.

"Kylo... please. I need to touch you." His brows furrowed and he shook his head continuing his job. The coil in your stomach was tightening up at rapid speed, you could tell Kylo felt it to, increasing speed. "Ky-"

"Do it." He said gruffly. You arched your back as all the emotions you were penting up this past week spilled as you screamed his name. He pulled away from your core, you were weak. His face glistened from your juices.

He wiped his mouth with his shirt and quickly deprived himself of all of his clothing. He laid you on your stomach, positioning your ass in the air. "Comfortable?" He asked sarcastically. "Always Master." He inhaled.

He rubbed his head along your folds teasing you. You flinched at the sudden contact. "Y/N... you ok, I don't want to-"

"Just do it Kylo." He took a deep breath and inserted himself in you. He groaned softly trying to hide it under your own. He steadied his thrust to an appropriate tempo. He leaned down to your ear. "I've had so much time to prepare for this. I fucking missed you Y/N."

You moaned as he bottomed out. "You like that?" You nodded ferociously. As your second orgasm approached Kylo started to tense up. He took the belt off your arms and grabbed you. Your back flushed against his as you started to bounce.

You reached back and grabbed his hair pulling his head to your neck. He left a couple more love marks on your neck, they outlined the brand on your skin. "Wanna see what it does for me?" You grabbed his hand and forced it on the brand. It sent electricity threw out your body.

It tingled in a good way. You moaned loudly as you let go. Kylo followed soon after you holding you close. When you noticed that he was finished you fell forwards on the bed dismounting him.

You groaned as your head hit the pillow. He fell down beside you and pulled you close. "It's been a long day." You said tired. He laughed and hummed in agreement. "And we still have that dinner!" He said kissing your neck tenderly.

"Gah I don't think I'll be able to stand."

"Told you." He stated in satisfaction. Kylo got up from the bed and grabbed a wash cloth from the bathroom. He walked over to you and carefully cleaned you up. He kissed your inner thigh where he left a mark.

"I'm sorry..." he said his voice full of guilt. You smiled at him, "It's ok... watch this." You touched the brand and it sent that warm feeling threw your body.

The mark disappeared into oblivion. He took his hand and touched where it once was. "How did I do that?" You shrugged, "I found that out once I got back on the ship. Skywalker grazed my hip, and I touched the brand wanted to figure it out. It healed it immediately."

"Interesting..." you sighed and he helped you sit up. "Let's get ready."

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