Chapter 19: Scheming

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Your plan was simple but would take a lot of brain power. It had been three days since your capture. You ran it threw your mind one more time hoping Kylo would hear you. Make them think I'm an ally. Get Kylo here and join his charge to destroy this hell hole. Kylo's chuckle rang threw your head making you blush.

It had been so long since the sound of laughter had graced his lips. You are an amazing planner, especially in a crisis. I am proud of you, now show those people the Sith you are.

You smiled and screamed for Organa. She ran into the door and tears started to soak your face. "Yes?" You let your head fall. "I'm tired of fighting it. If you think that it's best for Kylo to... to go to the light I will do whatever I can to make him happy." She was shocked.

"Excuse me?" You took a deep breath. "Please... take my saber, detain me, do whatever you see fit. I just want him to be happy, and if I get to be with him... I'm willing to do whatever. Even if-"

She embraced you in a hug, "Thank you dear." She pulled away from the hug taking the handcuffs off the frame and locking them behind you. She helped you stand from the bed. She lead you out the room into the sun. It hit your skin and made you feel amazing.

Your smiled beamed at the sunlight. Organa smiled at you. The man Kylo called Han Solo approached, his father looked nothing like him, but like him at the same time. He kissed Organa on the cheek. "Y/N, nice to meet you I'm-"

"Han Solo... Kylo- I mean Ben's dad." He smiled, "You have a good memory." There it was, the resemblance was that mischievously sexy smirk. That made you wonder what he was up to. The Wookiee walked up behind Solo and growled. "No Chewy... she's not." Keep it up.

Kylo's voice sent a shiver down your spine. "You ok?" Han said looking concerned. "Uh yeah... I just haven't felt the sun in a while... the StarKiller is a really cold planet, I don't get out much." Han laughed. "Yes I'm sure, you spend most of your time there under my son's sheets." You blushed and Leia punched Han's arm. "Well I'm not denying it..."

Han laughed, "Now I know that's my son, I knew he was always going to score one of the prettiest women in the galaxy." Han winked at Leia and she rolled her eyes. She finally decided to release you from the restraints. You rubbed your wrist.

"Thank you General." She nodded and smiled, "Please, call me Leia." You smiled at the pretty name. "While you stay here you will have a job." Your eyes shifted to the side and then met Han's. "You will be teaching a boy we found in a planet. He would one day love to be a Resistance fighter. Could you teach him basic combat?" Han smiled at you and looked you up and down.

"Yes, of course I can. I leaned to fight at a young age as well." Leia called over a dude with brown scruffy hair. He wore a leather jacket, and a white shirt. "Yes General Organa?" Leia pointed at you. "Poe, This is Y/N, she will be training that boy on Tatooine we found." Poe nodded and grabbed Leia's arm pulling her away.

"So what do you do for fun?" Han rocked on his heels. You discarded his conversation and listened to Poe. "She's that girl that slept with Kylo right?" Leia nodded. "Then why should we trust her, she's a Sith." Poe's voice started to rise. "She's a Sith in training, and she vowed to bring Ben back. She said she'll do whatever is best for him. I believe her Poe, and it's worth the risk to get him back. I miss him."

Poe nodded and walked over to you smiling, "It's nice to meet you Y/N." He lead you back inside the base. "You saw the video didn't you." Poe snapped his head and looked at you. He nodded. "I've never seen anyone do that to him. We knew each other when we were younger. He was always so... so locked up with emotion. Never let anyone see the true him. But the way he kissed you, the way you, umm..." he coughed.

"Grinded on him?" You laughed at Poe's expression, "You're like him in a way. Ben was always very blunt, not scared to say anything." He stopped at a door. "Was? I can barely get him to shut up! He likes to whisper..." Poe laughed. "You know... maybe one day I can show you why Ben is so open towards me."

You didn't even realize what came out of your mouth until it was too late. Poe bit his bottom lip, "Sorry doll, I'd love to see that, but... looks like your boyfriend has other plans." He pulled down your shirt a little, a brand sat on your collarbone. It looked like Kylo's helmet. It was the shape of a coin. (Quarter)

Poe curiously ran his thumb over it. He quickly pulled it back and cradled it. "Shit!" You watched as Poe's body went stiff, red electricity sparked on his face. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the ground.

You got on your knees keeping his head from the ground laying it on your legs. See what happens if any man tries to touch you while I'm gone? He will wake in an hour. Kylo's voice was demanding, but protective. It sent a shiver down your spine, landing the heat in your mid section.

You were curious and did the exact same thing as Poe. The mark filled you with warmth, it was comforting. Thank you? Kylo laughed. You. Are. Mine. He said his voice fading into nothing. I know.

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