Chapter 21: Rescue

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You tried to walk Kylo out of the base but he seemed to know his way. Outside the base the stormtroopers were killing everything that moved. Your smile grew sinister as you saw people hit the ground.

Behind you, you heard a lightsaber being ignited. Kylo turned around, "Luke..." he growled. Luke jumped down from the roof of the base landing in between you and Kylo. "I have failed you Ben. But I mustn't fail your mother." Luke charged at you and you jumped in the air dodging him.

You drew your saber. "You want a piece of me old man?" Kylo didn't move he just stood looking at the ground. Luke smiled. "Give if your best shot Sith." Your grin grew wider at the title. You ran at him gripping your saber, we were always very skilled in fencing.

You counteracted all of his moves while Kylo stood stock still. It was like he was rethinking everything, ever. You studied Luke's face, he was growing tired. "Giving up so soon?" He scoffed, "You are very good for a trainee. I assume he taught you?"

You laughed, "Yes and he taught me a lot more... when was the last time you sat down and rested, Luke Skywalker?" He chuckled, "Rest is for the weak." You kicked the back of his knees in, he fell down. You raised your saber over your head and came down with all your force.

Kylo finally looked up at you and stopped you. He grabbed your wrist tightly making your lightsaber clatter to the ground. "Kylo?" He shook his head, "I am the only one who can kill my family." He grabbed your saber from the ground and held it to Luke's throat.

"You have taught her well, my apprentice. Treat her kindly, she loves you." Kylo swung the saber cutting his head off. Luke's head rolled and Kylo's face was emotionless.

He grabbed you carefully this time and lead you to his ship. He put his helmet back on, handing you your lightsaber. He was completely silent. You looked at the ship you missed so much and realized something different. Another chair, identical to Kylo's sat beside it. You smiled knowing he had it built it there for you.

He glanced at you, "So you don't have to sit in my lap and tempt me anymore." You giggled. "This is the most I've laughed in a long time... thank you." He nodded and sat in his chair. "But I like teasing you." You sat in between his legs and he sighed. "You drive me crazy Y/N."

You smiled and your cheeks started to hurt, "I know."

You finally arrived back at the StarKiller. Your brother ran up to you and hugged you tightly. He let you go and studied your face. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" You smiled at him, "No Sam, I'm alright."

Hux ripped Sam's arms from you and hugged you to the point where you couldn't breathe. "Don't ever do that again! Your brother went insane!" You smiled at Hux, you missed these men more than anything.

"Why don't we have dinner together tonight?" You asked Sam. Kylo grabbed your arm and spun you around. I had different plans... you smirked at him. That consists of? His hand trailed down your arm to your hip. Well... I feel you haven't been a prisoner for long enough. I want to chain you down, it's my turn to tie you down. You giggled like a school girl.

Sorry hun... rain check? Kylo let out a labored sigh. "Rain check my ass! I want it now!" He said. He flinched not meaning to say it out loud. Sam and Hux stared at him. You bit your lip.

"Master Ren, I would not suggest using such foul language around your subordinates." Hux barked looking around at the stormtroopers. Kylo scoffed and walked out the door. "I would love to have dinner with you two tonight, Y/N." Sam said from behind Hux.

You started to now realize every time Kylo was a little angry Hux would place himself in front of Sam. You nodded and followed Kylo. You kept a safe distance until you reached his room. You stepped in beside him. The smell of the room filled your nose.

You missed it so much, fire, you loved how Kylo always smelled like fire. You flopped on his bed soaking it up in all its glory. Kylo paced around the room as you wrapped yourself in his covers. He looked over at you on his bed and changed his tone. You patted the empty space beside you.

He walked over and started to take his helmet off. "No, leave it on." You could feel his smile threw the helmet, it was glowing with mischief. He laid beside you, "I missed the way you looked on my bed." His voice sent a shiver down your spine.

He looked over your outfit. It was a white over robe with green pants. "White has never been my color." You said giggling. "You look good in anything, especially my sheets." He took his leather finger and ran it down your entire side, starting at your face, and ending at your thigh.

You inhaled sharply, you missed him, you missed his touch, you missed how careful he was with you, you missed his sent, you missed his everything. You reached up to the bottom of his helmet and pressed the buttons. You threw it to the side and smashed your lips into his not caring that the door was still open. Kylo held his hand out to close it but you grabbed it.

"If they wanna watch, let them." He looked at you a little unsure but then returned to the kiss. Kylo chuckled, "So much for a rain check."

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