Chapter 31: Worth

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The rest of the night was uneventful. You and Kylo cuddled and read Othello, your favorite Shakespeare play. It was about a man who planned to kill a group of people because they slept with his wife. "What a calming read." You said as you shut the book. Kylo chuckled, you turned around in his arms so you were looking at him.

"I love you." You whispered. He smiled at you, "I love you more." You laid your head on his chest and drew patterns in his bicep. "Yeah you probably do." You giggled. He rolled his eyes and pulled you close. "That night I came looking for you in Hux's room, I knew you were there. I saw the fear on your face, it came in waves threw your body."

You held your finger up to his lips pushing it against them. "Shhhhhhhh..... Don't worry about the past, just know I'm here." He chuckled and his breathing grew even. You rested your head on his chest and the beating of his heart made you calm down and drift off to sleep.

The next few days went by the same. You woke up, had breakfast, and you trained with Kylo, mostly combat. After that Kylo stayed in the training room, he didn't tell you what he was doing but you knew he was planning the wedding. Sam and Hux always attended, and when they arrived Kylo kicked you out of the room. Today during training you finally got him on his knees. "Ha! I did it!" You jumped around excitedly. Kylo got off the floor and smiled. "I went easy on you..." you narrowed your eyes, "Sure... tell that to the cut on your leg."

He looked down at his thigh not even realizing that you had grazed his skin. "Wow you did get me didn't you?" You smiled, "Yes!" The door slid open and your shoulders slumped. Sam and Hux sat down at the table, "Oh don't let us interrupt... continue." Kylo nodded at you, "One more round?" You smiled and ignited your saber.

Kylo blocked your first couple of moves. You swung high trying to get his face. He back up to the wall and you held each other in a lock, your saber growing closer to his face. He quickly pushed up, knocking you back, you stumbled to stay on your feet. He ran at you and you slid in between his legs. Before he turned around you put your saber to his neck.

He patted your arm letting you know you won. Sam clapped, "Good show, that was very enjoyable seeing Ren get beat." Hux chirped. Kylo scoffed knowing he was defeated. He sat down and wiped the sweat from his face. "Alright Y/N, you know the drill." You sighed and drug your feet while walking out the door.

Hello Y/N. You cocked your head at the unfamiliar voice. Who's there? I'm Master Snoke. You have only met me once. I saw what you just demonstrated. I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on a mission? You cocked your eyebrow. Alone? Yes. I mean sure. But where? I will fill you in about the mission if you meet me in The Great Hall. If you are interested please attend. Yes sir.

As you walked to The Great Hall you thought it threw and you wanted to go. You wanted to show your worth. The door opened for you, the giant hologram was projected across a huge chair. You stood in front of it and looked up at Snoke.

He smiled a creepy smile down at you. "Your mission is to visit a secret Jedi base that our troops found. Once you find this base you will infiltrate it, staying you are a Jedi knight. After the Jedi trust you, you will slaughter them all." An evil grin grew on your face, "How many are we talking." Snoke matched your look, "Twenty... do you think you can handle it?" You chuckled, "I have killed hundreds. I can handle it."

He nodded and sat back in satisfaction, "You will go on this mission immediately, you will not inform Kylo Ren of your journey. I hope you will be able to return to him, you are dismissed." You walked out the door and walked towards Kylo's room. You packed your things and left a note for him.

'My love,
I will be gone for a while. Snoke has sent me on a mission, do not come looking for me, you will not find me. I hope you aren't angry at me... I'm sorry for not telling you, Snoke's orders. I need to prove I'm worthy of you, I need to prove I'm a worthy Sith. I will contact you when I return. I love you, Y/N.'

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