Chapter 40: Night Lights

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As the night crawled up upon the sky you looked at the stars. "You guys ready to get drunk and party!!" Sam yelled excited. You smiled and nodded. "Let's go!" Sam lead your mom and him to his ship and you boarded. "Wow Samuel... this ship is beautiful!" Your mom said looking around. "Thank you mother... it was a wedding gift from Armitage. He had it made just for me."

You mom nodded and looked around the ship, you sat in the copilots seat, "Where are we going Sam?" He laughed, "Nice try but you'll see."

Sam stopped the ship on an unfamiliar planet. It was a huge town, full of big screens advertising products, and tall buildings. (Kinda Like New York) Sam tucked his keys away in his pocket and lead you and your mother to a club. "Sam I don't think mom wants to go to a club." Your mom smiled at you, "Are you kidding me Y/N! I love to party!" They pulled you in the club and you hid your saber with your cloak, not wanting to draw unwanted attention.

You walked in and it was packed. People were dancing, drinking, flirting, and doing very odd things. You looked around and smirked when you saw a familiar tall figure at the bar. "I'm going to go get a drink, you two go dance!" You yelled at Sam over the music. He nodded and escorted your mom to the dance floor.

You tapped the figures shoulder and Kylo turned around. "Y/N? What are you doing here?!" You gestured to the dance floor where Hux and Sam were now rocking out to the music. "Sam brought us here." He smiled and turned his attention back to you. He set his drink down and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Johan this is Y/N, my fiancé."

"Johan Fett! The daughter of Boba Fett?" Johan smiled, "Yes, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Y/N... you kept me out of business for a while. You've got some skill kid, I wasn't surprised when I heard you and Ky were engaged." You nodded. The pleasures all mine, you were like my main inspiration to become a bounty hunter, and your father was such an amazing guy!"

She smiled and handed you his helmet. You looked down at it in awe. "It's beautiful!" She laughed, "it truly is..." you gave it back to her. "I'm very fascinated with the work of your grandfather... I heard he was Dooku, correct?" You nodded, "Yeah, and thank you, Kylo gave me his saber." Kylo smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Would you like maybe wanna come to our wedding tomorrow?"

"I'd love too Y/N... but duty calls, my target is leaving now. It was nice talking to you!" Johan ran off out the door and you took her seat. A slow song came over the speakers. Kylo offered his hand and finished his drink, "Want to practice for tomorrow?" You smiled and took his hand. He lead you on the floor and you rested your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. He swayed to the music leading you around the room.

You looked up at him and his eyes narrowed as he looked across the room. You saw his jaw clench as he kept you from looking behind you by pulling you closer into him. "Kylo...?" He spun you out and you caught a glimpse at what he was looking at. It was Poe, he was looking at you with hungry eyes. "Why is he here?" Kylo never took his eyes off the pilot.

"It's a public place... he must've stumbled in here." The song ended and was replaced with a hoedown. "Do you know how to hoedown?" You smiled up at him and he nodded, face still stone. You jumped around the dance floor and spun around and swapped partners. Hux joined you and noticed the sour look on Kylo's face from across the room. "What's his problem?"

"The Resistance pilot Poe Dameron is here...." Hux's face when cold. "I see..." you spun out and was grabbed by the arm continuing the dance. You looked at your new partner. "Y/N... what a wonderful coincidence!"

"Wish I could say the same Poe.... now what is that on your breath? Scotch or bourbon?" Poe laughed, "Both?" He said smirking. You rolled your eyes, "Is that a wedding ring?" Poe said glancing down at your finger. "Guess you were too late, huh?" Poe smiled, "Does that mean I had a chance?" You laughed as the music stopped. "You're super funny if you think that I would fall for someone like you."

Kylo stepped up behind you and Hux joined his side. "Poe Dameron, we would advise you to leave our territory, immediately!" Hux said pointing to The First Order flag hanging over the bar. "Yeah Poe! Before we sick this entire crowd on you!" A drunk Sam chimed in.

"You think I came here without backup?" Poe looked around the room to people that were watching you. "You're bluffing." Kylo said flatly. Poe pointed to Leia and Han across the room. "Try me Solo." You narrowed your eyes and smiled. "I will Dameron." You waved at Kylo's parents flaunting your ring. Leia gasped. "Alright let's head out, I don't need this before my wedding day."

Sam nodded and walked out with your mom holding him up. Kylo and Hux took a different route. Don't forget to check the ship for bugs and cameras. We don't want anything being  broadcasted again do we... you giggled, Why don't we just send Poe our entire honeymoon? Kylo laughed, I'd love nothing more than to show him how loud you scream my name.

You smirked and started up this ship not letting Sam drive. I'm sleeping in Hux's room tonight. You can't see me at all tomorrow. Kylo sighed. I know, and it pains me to know I won't be able to spend a night with you. Well think of it this way, you'll be able to spend every night for the rest of your life with me after this. I know... I love you Y/N. I love you too, Kylo.

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