Chapter 15: The Afterglow (Explicit)

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"That was really sexy what you did in there by the way." You said trying to calm him down. He looked back at you over his shoulder. "Really? Are you going to pleasure yourself again at the thought of it?" You rolled your eyes and pushed him down on the middle chair.

"No, but maybe it's your turn." His eyes grew as he studied your body. You straddled his legs and kissed him.

You ran you fingers threw his long locks, they were soft and thick, coated in a layer of sweat. He pulled away from the kiss, "Y/N..." you looked at him, his lips were a dark shade of punk and puffy. "What?" You brushed his ear with your finger.

"Don't stop." You smiled mischievously at him and with every kiss you grinded on his thigh. His kisses trailed down to the exposed part of your neck. You laced your fingers in his hair pushing him down on your collarbone.

You could feel his growing erection underneath your leg. Kylo took his hands and rubbed your thighs through your leather pants. "You thought you were going to get somewhere with these Y/N?" You nodded as his hand traveled to your inner thigh, then retreading.

He pushed himself off of you. You whimpered. "Not so fast, love. You made me wait. He got up from his chair and sat back down in the pilots seat. You didn't even realize you were in the StarKillers orbit.

You wanted so badly to walk over and sit on his lap, but you knew once you kissed him, you weren't in control. You marveled at his body as it twitched uncomfortably in the chair trying to safely land the ship. You thought of how uncomfortable it has to be trying to hide how much he wanted this from you.

He opened the hatch quickly putting his helmet back on and escorting you to his room. Neither of you wanted to waste time. Hux stepped in front of the two of you. "Master Ren, it's great to have you back. How'd it go?" Kylo maneuvered you in front of him so your leg was covering up his right leg, so Hux wouldn't see his hard on.

Hux was a little confused but shook it off. "It went very well... now if you'll excuse us Y/N has a neck injury.." he was growing impatient. "Oh, well can I have a look, I'm trained in first aid." You smiled wanting to regain power.

"Yeah umm here it is." You pulled down your robe a little to reveal one of the hickeys Kylo left on your neck. Hux inspected the bruise throughly and looked back into your eyes. He then caught on and his mouth fell open. "You are disgusting Ren." Hux scowled. He turned on his heel and got out of the hall quickly.

Kylo grabbed your arm and lead you to his room with more force. "Cock blocking son of a bitch." Kylo hissed, "Don't you ever, EVER, do that to me again!" You bit your lip as you felt an approaching warmth between your legs.

He opened the door and threw you on the bed. Kylo removed his helmet and chucked it at the wall. He pulled off your top robes leaving you in a black tank top. He admired the curves that your robes hid before throwing off the tank top.

"You are such a tease, you know that?" He pushed his lips onto the swell of your breast. You groaned loving the attention. "Answer me Y/N." You loved the way his name sounded on his lips when his voice was filled with lust.

"Yes... I'm a tease." He unclasped your bra plucked it off your arms. "You are beautiful Y/N... one of the most beautiful women in the galaxy. He massaged your breast, you moaned softly reaching for his belt.

The belt his the floor with a loud THUMP, due to the hilt of his lightsaber. Your hands made there way to his pants and he watched you. You ran your hands over the front of his legs getting the last bit of tease in that you could. It earned a soft and low growl from his chest.

You pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion. You stared at his member in awe. His smile grew on his face. You took your index finger and ran it under him softly. He groaned. "Enough of the teasing. Or you'll have to go back to your room." He commanded.

You sighed, "Fine..." you took his length in your hand giving it soft tugs. "Not enough Y/N." He said gruffly. He took his finger and placed it under your chin, he raised his eyebrow. You swallowed hard as his brown eyes stared down at you exploring your face.

You took him into your mouth going slow at first. He pushed his fingers into your hair, releasing it from the bun it was once in. It fell down into your face and he guided it out of your eyes. You looked up at him as you went deeper. He was looking up and his eyes were rolled into the back of his head.

You were practically dripping. He pulled out of your mouth and pushed you backwards on the bed. He removed your pants and smirked at the small black thong you had worn. "For me?" You nodded as he traced his finger under the string that ran along your hip. He pulled it back and let it go. You moaned at the noise and the overwhelming arousal.

He removed the underwear, you were completely exposed while he still wore his shirt. You looked at his chest with hungry eyes. He realized what you were looking at and quickly removed his cape and shirt. His shoulders were wide and he was stacked with muscle. It almost made you self conscious

"Like what you see?" You smiled innocently, "Yes." He leaned down in between your legs. He pushed his thumbs into you inner thighs leading them up to your core. "Already soaked for your master?" You loved his title, he deserved it. "Always."

He wet his fingers with your juice before sticking two fingers into you. You moaned not expecting it. "Kylo..." he smirked and curled his fingers hitting your g-spot. You arched your back as your shoulders tensed up.

"I told you I'd hit all your sensitive spots. Didn't I?" You could barley talk threw the pleasure. "Yes!" You groaned as you felt a coil in your stomach. "Kylo I'm going to-"

"Mmmm, go ahead my love. Come for me." The coil in your stomach snapped at the low growl of his voice. He slowed down as you rode out your high. He positioned himself over you with one hand cradling your back. "Are you ok?" You nodded.

He guided himself inside of you and moaned your name. "Holy Grevious, your so tight!" You felt your second orgasm growing as he filled you, steadying his rhythm. You held onto the bed sheets until your knuckles turned white.

"Fuck, Y/N." He called out grabbing hold of the bed frame. With every thrust he bottomed out reaching spots you didn't know existed. His thrust became uneven and you wanted to gain control.

You ran your hands down his arms making them weak. He let go of the bed frame and you rolled on top of him. It didn't take long for him to realize what was going on. "You didn't just do-" he was cut short by a kiss you pulled him into.

He spilled inside of you, and you followed soon after calling out his name. You fell to his side backing up as he wrapped an arm around you kissing your head. You fit perfectly flushed against his body. "You're mine Y/N. Mine. Now you say it, tell me who you belong to." You felt like a teenager full of excitement. "I'm yours, Kylo Ren."

The ache of your lower region didn't bother you. Kylo smiled and cuddled you until you both went to sleep.

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