Chapter 4: The Mission

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You were nervous for your first mission, but you wanted to do all you could to show Phasma you deserved your position. Your helmet gave you a map to the loading dock and you looked around for Phasma.

She stood front and center boarding a ship with Kylo. You walked over to her carefully, "Y/N. Finally, we almost thought you wouldn't show. You are riding with me, your troopers are on another ship and will follow your orders as soon as we land." You nodded. "Thank you Captain."

You got on the ship, Kylo sat in the middle on a chair that looked out the window. He watched the pilot carefully as he started up the ship, closing the hatch. You and Phasma stood on either side of Ren. You were nervous and your knees were weak but you tried your hardest to hide it.

You landed on a planet and the mission details showed up on your screen. "Find the map." It showed you a picture of a little hard drive. The hatch opened and all three of you got off. One trooper took Phasma's spot beside Kylo. You and the other trooper walked beside him blasters in hand.

A man stood in the middle he was restrained by your troopers. Kylo stopped in front of him, "Look how old you've become." The man sighed at Kylo, "Something far worse has happened to you." Kylo stopped and looked at the man, "You know what I have come for."

"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself, Kylo Ren." Your heart was racing. All you knew of was Kylo Ren, who was he before. Kylo knew the man was trying to get in his head and he continued the mission, "The map to Skywalker, we know you found it. And now you are going to give it to The First Order." Kylo's voice rose and fell evenly.

"The First Order rose from the dark side, you did not." This mans words were confusing, you didn't understand a word. Kylo stepped towards him, "I'll show you the Dark Side!"

"You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family." All the troopers looked around, full of wonder. "You're so right." Kylo ignited his saber and killed the man. All the villagers screamed or gasped. A sound from a blaster rang in the air. Kylo quickly turned around and stopped it with the force.

Then while he was distracted the same sound came from the opposite direction. You jumped in front of it and held out your hand ready for certain death. All of your muscles tightened up. You heard gasp and screams. You knew you were dead, but you didn't fall, you didn't feel pain. You slowly opened your eyes, the laser was in midair, right in front of your hand.

You looked back at Kylo to see if it was him, he looked at you his helmet tilted to the side. Troopers seized the people responsible for the shots. Kylo jerked his laser to the side, you thought it was safe so you lowered your hand.

The laser came at you and you stood there in shock. Kylo held his hand up again and stopped the laser, letting it hit one of the civilians. He walked towards you and grabbed your arm, he took you back on the ship and barked orders at the pilot.

The pilot fumbled with the controls. Kylo threw you on the chair he was once sitting in. Your head hit it you were knocked out cold. What the hell just happened.

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