Chapter 30: The Hux Family

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You woke up to a new record on the player, this one being a more upbeat symphony. Sam was still asleep and Hux was in the kitchen. You groaned and sat up, Hux looked back at you. "Ahh, so now I finally know who the early riser in the family is." You looked around, "What time is it?" He chuckled, "Six thirty Ms. Y/N."

You carefully got out of the bed and sat at a barstool. You put your head in your hands. Hux slid you a plate of bacon. "Y/N... may I ask you for a favor... it might be a big favor, and you can say no, but I figured it won't hurt to ask." You took a bit of the bacon.

"Yes of corse. I mean your letting me stay here, I'll do anything." He smiled. "Well you see my father doesn't know that I am married to your brother. But he does know I'm married. Last night he decided to make a last minute visit, and I was wondering if maybe-" you smiled. "I'd love to pretend to be your wife."

He looked surprised, "I just thought maybe you would, I mean because you are a very pretty woman, not my type but you are amazingly gorgeous. I wasn't surprised when Master Ren courted you." You giggled, "Thank you Hux. I needed that." He put his hand on your and patted it, "Anytime Y/N, thank you for this, it means a lot."

"Yeah no, don't worry about it. It's my pleasure, I know how strict parents can be about this stuff. My parents resent my brother..." Hux nodded, "Yes, he has told me. Well speaking of your brother, Good morning my love!" Sam groaned.

"Did you get that thing with Brendol sorted out?" He asked half awake. "Your sister agreed to pretend to be my wife." Sam nodded and walked into the bathroom. "It was your brothers idea. Also just a heads up, Kylo will witness this, he has to greet my father because of his social status among The First Order. If you feel uncomfortable at all, please tell me." You nodded. "Will do Hux."

"Oh also while my family is here call me Armitage, if you can." You smiled, "Sure thing... Armi." He chuckled and followed Sam into the bathroom shutting the door. You put your head down on the cold bar, it felt good on your head.

"Armi stop!!! She's in the next room over, she will hear us!" Hux laughed and you could hear nothing but whispers. You decided to get dress ignoring Sam's "muffled" moans. Hux walked out the bathroom with a smug look on his face. His holopad went off.

"Good, you're dressed, my family has arrived." He grabbed your arm and guided you out the room to the loading bay. While walking he handed you a wedding band. "To play the part perfectly." You slipped it on under your engagement ring.

A man and woman stood in the middle of the bay, they were getting off a ship. The woman had a sour look on her face, and the man's smile beamed. Hux walked up to the people. "Father, what a pleasure to see you after all this time." Hux shook the mans hand.

The man turned to you and smiled. "I am Brendol, Armitage's father." You smiled and held out your hand to shake. He took it in his and kissed it. "Father this is Y/N, my wife." Brendol's eyes grew wide. "Now how did a son like mine score a wife as beautiful as you?" You giggled. "Your son is a very charming man, you raised him correctly."

Brendol smiled at you. "Thank you Y/N. This is my wife, Maratelle." You nodded at her, "Its very nice to meet you!" She smiled at you mockingly. "Yes it is." Hux's jaw clinched. I found you. Kylo's voice made you jump, I wasn't hiding. Don't blow my cover please, right now I'm Hux's wife... understood? He grunted.

"Ahh, Master Ren! Thank you for joining us." Hux said acknowledging the approaching man. Kylo's helmet looked in your direction as he walked forward. "Commander Hux, thank you for being here today. It is an honor to meet you." Kylo said joining you at your side.

"Likewise, Master Ren." Kylo shook Brendol's hand. "Now shall we have lunch?" Hux said now that everyone was in their desired places. "Yes... please." Brendol said taking his wife by her waist. Hux lead the way and you followed after him, Kylo matching your pace. Fall back, Brendol is growing suspicious. You told Kylo as you listened to Brendol's thoughts.

No. Stop pouting will you? God your so annoying when you're like this. Kylo stopped as you and the Huxs kept on walking. Far enough? You scoffed, You are such a child! Hux opened the dining hall door and pulled out a chair for you. You sat down and smiled at him.

The Huxs took their seats and Kylo sat across from you beside Brendol. He took his helmet and put it aside. He looked at you smugly. Many workers brought in food, it reminded you of the dinner you had when Kylo smashed Sam on the table. You tried your hardest to not look at Kylo.

"She's a beauty isn't she?" Brendol said at Kylo. Kylo looked over at him, "She sure is..." Hux scowled at Kylo and his father. "In your dreams Ren." Kylo chuckled, "More than you know General." You raised your eyebrow, "I would prefer if you didn't talk about me like I'm a piece of meat, gentlemen."

"Well Y/N, I must say, if you're meat, I'm a carnivore." Your brand glowed and burned, the heat radiating off of it almost hurting your shoulder. You could feel it singeing your bottom layer of clothing. Kylo felt the brand, he side eyed Brendol. "Father... that is uncalled for!"

"Not when your wife is of that stature. She is gorgeous Armitage. I would do anything to get my hands on her." Brendol stood up eyeing you. Kylo's rage grew to nerves as Brendol approached you. "Maratelle, leave us." Your heart got caught in your throat as the woman walked out quickly.

"Well Ren, no one is here to witness, make your move, I'll keep my son occupied." Hux stood up offended, Kylo walked over to you. I will not harm you, to keep your little act going I would advise screaming for your husband. Kylo picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, "If you can find us Brendol, you can join us."

"ARMITAGE!!! LET ME GO!" You screamed loudly and struggled in Kylo's arms. Hux looked at you with true worry, I'll be ok... I'm sorry for leaving you. If you don't return in a while I'll will come and save you. If you need me, call. Hux nodded and got ready to fight his father.

Kylo carried you out the door his hands placed carefully on the back of your thighs. He took you to the training room, knocking out all the cameras so Brendol couldn't find you if he survived. He sat you down on the table. "I'm sorry." He muttered as he placed his helmet down. "Sorry? Sorry for what, saving me from the creepy arms of Brendol Hux?"

He walked up so he was in between your legs. "No. I'm sorry for being immature, I'm sorry for yelling, I'm sorry for getting angry, I'm sorry for being arrogant, I'm sorry I made you want to hide, I'm sorry I hurt you. I just want you so badly, you change me, and it scares me. I thought when I became this man, Kylo Ren, I didn't have to worry about love, I thought no one would care for me but myself. Then you came along, you threw me a bone, you made me a different person. You showed me I could be both Kylo Ren and Ben Solo. You made me realize that I wasn't at war with my family, I was at war with myself. It was scary to see the old me crawl back, but it's now that I realize that you like me when I'm both. You replace the selfish, raging, monster me, with a caring, compassionate, honest me. You see a man in me that I don't see myself, and that's why I love you."

You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "I see that man in you because that's all you show me. You are a good man Kylo, you just have been brainwashed to think you are a monster because that's all you tell yourself. We've all done bad, we have all killed. So we need to learn how to put that behind us." You placed a little kiss on his forehead.

"Please don't make me sleep in Sam and Hux's room again. It's like they undress each other in their eyes and then they lock the bathroom door and do unexplainable things while you're in the next room!" Kylo laughed and rested his head in the crook of your neck.

"Are you saying that you want to sleep in my room again tonight?" You sighed and ran your fingers threw his hair, "Yes please!" The door opened and you pulled out your saber. Hux stood at the door and fixed his uniform, he wiped the blood off his face. "I took care of him. Kylo order the Troopers to clean up a body in the dining hall. I must go speak with your brother." Hux stumbled out the door.

Kylo looked at you, "He just-" you nodded and took his hand leading him to his room.

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