Chapter 27: Playing Around

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The sun was shining threw your window, one of the things you didn't miss back on the StarKiller. Kylo wasn't in your bed you wondered how he got up considering how close the two of you were last night. He could barley fit on the bed alone, and his feet hung off, it was cute.

You stretched and got up. You walked into the kitchen and everyone was sitting at the dining room table. Kylo sipped a coffee mug and read on his holopad. He looked stressed. "Morning!" Your dad chirped. Kylo looked up at you and his gave you a little smile.

"Morning cutie." You said bumping Kylo's shoulder with your hip. He hummed in response and you joined your mother at the stove. "Need any help?" She nodded and handed you a skillet with eggs. You scrambled them. "Ky do you like scrambled or poached?"

He set his mug down, "I don't want any... thank you though." You fixed a plate for your mother and father. You walked over to Kylo and sat beside him. He was still glued to his pad. You snatched out of his hand. "Won't be needing this." He groaned and leaned back in the chair. "We have to return tonight. They have a Resistance pilot in custody, Snoke wants me to to interrogate him."

"Well not before I get to show you around Tatooine!" He chuckled, "I know..." he finished his coffee and you finished your breakfast. "Come on!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. Kylo stood up too fast getting out the door and hit his head on the doorframe, "Shit!" He held his head.

"Ben- oh my! I'm.... I'm so.. sorry!" You could barley talk in between your laughter. He glared up at you and smiled. He got in a low stance and charged, taking you down. "AH!" You rolled down the hill that your parents house was on. You got to the bottom of the hill and you ended up on top of Kylo.

You fell into his chest laughing as he cradled your head with his hands. His chest bounced as he laughed. "You do something to me Y/N." You looked at him. "Huh?" He pushed you off of him. "You make me feel like a teenager again. Like I'm young again, like I have nothing to worry about." You patted his chest and got up. "Save it for the wedding."

Kylo jumped up and brushed the sand off of his uniform. "Ugh... sand... It's going to take hours to get out of my boots." You rolled your eyes, "Stop pouting and let me show you around." You walked to town and Kylo followed you.

"That's where I went to school." You walked around pointing to places that had some connection to you are your life. "OH Ben!" You pulled him over to a bar that was occupied by many people. "This is where I had my first drink. Coras!" You called over the bartender and his face lit up when he saw you.

Kylo sat awkwardly on the tiny bar stool. "Y/N. I didn't know you were back on Tatooine.... I thought you went to work for The FO." You smiled, "Yeah I did, I'm here on vacation!" He smiled, "Well that's great! What can I get ya?"

"The usual... and he'll have the special..." you slapped Kylo's chest with the back of your hand. What's the special...? You'll see. Coras fixed the drinks and hid the ingredients from Kylo. He slid you both your drinks. Kylo held it to his nose and coughed. "What it in here?!" You laughed, "Just drink it... I promise he didn't poison it."

"How are you sure?" You rolled your eyes and took the drink from his hand. You took a sip, "See?" Kylo took a swig as you washed down the disgusting drink with yours. Kylo's breath turned into a coughing fit, Coras rang the special bell and everyone laughed.

"I'm going to puke!" Kylo ran to the bathroom and you laughed, but then you felt bad. Coras gave you the bathroom key with a wink. You entered the bathroom and Kylo was retching. You got on your knees and rubbed his back. "What was in that drink? And why did you make me drink it?!" You sighed and held back his hair.

"It's every drink mixed together... and it's pay back for the bourbon." You patted his back and stayed with him until there wasn't anything to throw-up. He fell on the toilet seat turning his head to you. "Can we go home now?" You chuckled and nodded. "Yes dear." You helped him stand, and looked at his face.

"Is that a goatee?" You said acknowledging the little stubble on his face. He nodded and looked at the floor. "That's hot!" He shook his head. "I cannot grow it out. Snoke's orders." You sighed and walked out the bathroom. You got back to the house and told your parents goodbye.

"We will see you at the wedding... right dear?" Your mother said teasing you. "Sure mom." Kylo started up the speeder and talked to your dad. Kylo cleared his throat and you boarded the speeder. "What did he say to you?" You said as you got further from your home.

Kylo shifted into the seat. "He said if I didn't take care of you, or ever hurt you, Sam would shove my lightsaber up my ass and ignite it..." you laughed, "I'm sure he has some experience to something similar." Kylo chuckled. You finally got to the ship and two troopers stood outside.

They handed Kylo his helmet and took your bags. You got on the ship and took off. "Finally going home."

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