Chapter 29: Slow Healing

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You lightly knocked on the door expecting Hux to answer, but it was actually Sam. "Come in!" You opened the door and Hux was on a chair reading while Sam laid in bed on his holopad. "Hey Y/N- oh my gosh what's that on your face?" Sam ran up to you and looked at your busted lip and black eye.

"Armi come look at this!" Hux looked at you and put his book down. He walked over to you and grabbed your chin moving your face around. "Who punched you?" He said flatly. "That Resistance pilot... Poe Dameron." Hux let go of your face.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked worried. You sighed, "I have nowhere else to go. I need some space from Kylo." Hux returned back to his book, and Sam lead you to the bed. "Well that's ok dear, what happened?" Hux pulled out his pad and projected the security camera on the table in front of him.

"It seems as if she accidentally let out the pilot and he kissed her. She was flustered and he punched her knocking her out cold." Hux said glancing over his book, his glasses resting on his nose. "Yeah! That's exactly what happened!" He chuckled. "Kylo saw the worst correct? He assumed that you kissed Poe and let him escape?" You were flabbergasted at Hux's smarts. Sam placed a hand on your arm. "Armi has known Kylo for a long time. They were both twenty when they met, starting out brand new in The First Order."

"Yes, and now it's been eight years, and he's still the child he once was. Did you tell him what happened." You shook your head. "Not really I just told him that's not what happened, and he believed me." Hux nodded. "Alright then. You can stay here for a while, until you feel it's appropriate to return back to him."

"Why don't you just go back to The Duck Hun?" Sam asked. "She can't Samuel. Here she feels safe, she knows Kylo doesn't know this space, unlike The Duck Hun. Therefore she knows he wouldn't enter our room and feel in control."

It's like Hux could read your mind. "I can take the couch. You two share the bed." You got up to protest but Hux held his hand out. "Don't even think about it Y/N. I will take the couch so there won't be any temptation in between me and your brother. Trust me, it's for the best." You nodded, "I will order some troopers to retrieve your personal items from Master Ren's quarters. For now just relax, and maybe attempt to sleep."

You walked over to Hux and hugged him. "Thank you." He patted your back. "My pleasure Y/N." You walked over to the bed and sat beside Sam. Hux was now walking out the door. "He's really smart Sam.." Sam chuckled, "Sometimes I think he could maybe even read minds..." you smiled and yawned. "So how was Tatooine?"

"It was good. I showed Kylo the showers, father excepted Kylo after a while. Oh and I took him to Coras', and I made him drink the special! And he threw up everywhere." Sam laughed, "I bet he really enjoyed those showers." You smiled, "Yeah he tried his hardest to cover my eyes! And then I had to point out the sign."

"Hun, I've broken that rule more times then I can count! I lost my v-card in that shower." You cringed and laughed. "Sam! I'm not supposed to know that!" He laughed and fell back on the bed, he sighed. "Well I'm glad you had fun. Hopefully one day we both will be able to go back to Tatooine, maybe for a holiday or something." You nodded, "That would be fun."

The door opened and Hux ran in quickly shutting it. The pounding of a fist shook the door. "Let me in! I know she's in there!" Kylo said, the slur of his words told you he was basically wasted. "I told you Ren she left!" Hux pointed over to the couch that was against the wall. You ran over to it and hid behind it. You watched from the side.

Kylo stormed in and looked around. He looked under the bed, in the kitchen, and in the bathroom. When he didn't find you he walked over to Sam. "Tell me where she went. I know you know." Sam tilted his nose up at Kylo. "No." He lifted Sam with the force and lightly choked him. "Don't you see... Kylo... she left for a reason..." Sam said in between breaths.

"Where. Is. She." He held him to the wall against The First Order flag that hung over Hux's bed. "She left... because... she thinks... you... need... space. Let me go... and I might tell you.... where she is." Kylo let Sam fall back on the bed and Sam caught his breath.

"Sober up Kylo, and talk to me when you aren't going to kill me." Kylo huffed and walked out the door. Hux slammed it behind him. You slowly rose from behind the couch. Hux inspected Sam's neck. "Sam I'm sorry... I wouldn't have come here if I knew he would do that."

Sam chuckled, "How about you get some rest... I'm ok, it's nothing new to me. I'm pretty sure you're exhausted." You sighed and Hux handed you the bag that he carried in. "Your clothes." You smiled softly, "Thank you..." you got dressed in your pajamas and laid in the bed. Sam was on the other side of you on his holopad, and Hux read while listening to classical music on a record player. The sweet sound of the piano sent you into a deep sleep.

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