➷ Joseph | Mine

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Mentions of blood, bodily fluids, etc

Love can make you do the cruelest things.

You stood there petrified at the horrifying scene that lay before you. The amount of blood that was splattered on the floor resembled a massacre, even though the bodily fluids came from one person.

"Caesar..." You whimpered out his name as you dropped to your knees.

Uncaring of the blood soaking your clothes, you cradle his head to your chest.

"How could someone do this to you?" A heartbroken sob slips past your lips.

You were teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, for the gruesome sight that laid before you was becoming too much. Your heartaches as your tears continue to fall, your sobs becoming louder.

You needed to tell someone!

With shaking hands, you gently lay Caesar down and stood up. You took a moment to compose yourself, lest you break down into tears again. Turning, your tear-filled eyes came in contact with a pair of green eyes.

"J-Jojo?!" You stutter in shock.

You cover your mouth in shock as more tears begin to fall.

You couldn't believe it!

He did this...

Joseph stood before you with one of his happy-go-lucky grins on his face. The sight of his grin normally would have made you smile, but the sight of blood splattered on his body like a canvas only frightened you.

"There's nothing to be upset about, [Y/n]." He laughs out as he moves to approach you.

"Stay away!" You shriek.

Your body felt heavy as your legs were unwilling to move. Terrified, you hold in your breath once Joseph stood in front of you. With blood-stained hands, he cradles your face lovingly.

Everything becomes too much as darkness begins to overtake your vision. You faint, but before you could hit the ground Joseph wraps his arms around you and lifts you up bridal-style.

"Everything's alright now. I've got you." He whispers as he presses a kiss to your temple.

Then, Joseph regards his friend's unresponsive form one last time with a cold expression.

Turning away, he cradled you close as he walked out of the room, a single thought crossing his mind.

"I didn't want to do it, Caesar, but you left me no choice. Now, she's mine."

Poor Caesar... (⌣_⌣")


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