➷ Giorno | Caged

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Fantasy AU, Celestial!Reader

This is for the best.

How long has it been since you've been able to feel the warmth of the sun?

How long has it been since you've felt a gentle breeze pass over you?

How long has it been since you've heard the gentle songs of tweeting birds?

It's been too long since you've been able to enjoy anything, your freedom but a mere memory of the past. It was funny, in a way, that such simple things are easily taken for granted until the moment they're taken from you.

This prison you were trapped in met all of your needs yet it only made you feel constricted.

It did not bring you happiness nor comfort.

As the days pass by, your tears continue to fall. You could not converse with those who guarded you, for their leader would be rather upset if they even laid eyes upon you.

There was truly no way for you to regain your freedom.

The sound of the doors to your 'utopia' brought you out of your thoughts. Footsteps softly walked toward your spherical imprisonment before stopping in front of it.

Giorno regards your turned form before saying, "Won't you look at me, mi amore?"

You hesitate for a moment before turning to face him, [e/c] eyes filled with tears. With a single step, you land in front of him, unable to do anything but watch him.

Giorno watches the jewel-like tears fall from your eyes, his heart aching slightly. His hand easily phased through the sphere before gently cupping your face. He smiles softly the moment you lean into his touch, his expression becoming loving.

You were beautiful, even when you shed tears.

"Do not cry," he whispers, "It will be alright."

Hearing this only causes a fresh set of tears to fall from your eyes. You gently grip the hand caressing your face as you look at him. 

"Giorno, please, set me free." You beg, your voice coming out in a soft sob.

Internally, Giorno knew that keeping you caged like this was hurting you, yet he didn't know what else to do. Selfishly, he clipped your wings to keep you grounded, not wanting you to leave him.

"Giorno..." You whimper his name as the desire to be free grows insistently.

Sighing softly at your pleas, he gives a small shake of his head.

"You must understand, [Y/n]," he gently strokes your cheek, "this is the only way I can protect you."


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