➷ Yukako | Mate

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Wolf!Yukako, Witch!Reader

  Happy Halloween 

For the last couple of hours, Yukako has been running from hunters, the human men and women still close on her tail. How they had spotted her while in her human form she didn't know, but the only way she could successfully run away is to shift. Having transitioned into her wolf form made Yukako an easier target yet gave her leverage in making a quick getaway.

"Damn it," she hears one of the hunter's exclaim, "Where'd that mutt go?!"

Suppressing a growl at the insult, she slowly slinks further away into the bushes. The white peaking in her normally dark fur will out her position, so she quickly scampers off deeper into the woods while trying not to draw their attention. 

As she trots a safe distance away she hears the rustling of some bushes to her left. The cocking of a gun and a shout of "There's she is," is the only warning she has before she darts off.

Shots ring out behind her along with the harsh stomping of the hunters trying to keep up with her. Yukako was no fool, she could tell they were trying to lead her in a certain direction, but where it led she didn't know. Somewhere along the way of her running she ends up in an unfamiliar part of the forest.

Exhausted, she slows down to a trot once she no longer hears the hunters stomping steps. 

Now, while trudging through some fallen leaves and small tree limbs is when a sudden searing pain tears through her left hind leg. A pained yelp leaves her jaws as she suddenly seized up, her body hitting the forest floor from the immense pain.

Snarling softly, Yukako turns to see her leg caught in a rather sizable hunter's trap made of silver. She releases an aggravated snarl at this, her hackles raised from stress. More white begins to cover her dark fur as she tries to figure her next move.

"I don't have enough energy to shift back," she snuffles.

Even though having opposable thumbs would be helpful at this moment, shifting now would most likely aggravate her injury even more. Taking a chance of howling for help would only hasten her chance of meeting death.

Her options are painfully limited.

Laying her head between her paws, Yukako feels her exhaustion take its toll on her. A shiver courses through her body as her adrenaline rush finally begins to crash.

For now, she could only take the chance and hope a hunter doesn't come any time soon.

It's night time when Yukako stirs from her fitful slumber, roused awake by a strange yet enchanting scent. Lifting her head, she sniffs at the air and takes note of the prominent scent of vanilla mixed with other soft earthy tones. 

"Oh, you poor thing," a soft voice interrupts Yukako's thoughts.

The she-wolf's head snaps toward the shadowy figure, a snarl rising in her chest. Her purple eyes glow in the darkness as she takes in your appearance, the moon giving her more light to fully take you in.

"It's alright," you raise your hands, "I'm only here to help."

Trudging closer you slowly drop to your knees, your hands still raised in mock surrender.

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