➷ Joseph | Unattainable

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Goddess!Reader, Demon!Joseph

The soft warmth of your aura encompassing the space of your temple slowly begins to dim as you begin to awaken. The feathers of your wings shimmer gold as they begin to flutter, further proving you were close to your awakening. Your eyes do not flutter, instead, the first thing to return is your consciousness followed by your hearing, which is met with unexpected silence.

A pool of dread wells within you for your children are never silent.

Your eyes finally open, your wings spreading and allowing your body to uncurl from its ball and extend outward toward the ground. The temple candles are lit, the soft wafting scent of vanilla doing nothing to soothe your anxious nerves like usual.

Briefly glancing around, you see nothing out the ordinary within the room, the doors still shut. Then, the heavy doors are being pushed open and you're horrified to see the injured form of one of your children.

The amazon looks up weakly while whispering, "Ancient mother, you've finally awakened."

Before she could hit the ground you fly forward and catch her in your arms.

"My child," you gasp out, "What has happened?!"

Your question goes ignored as the bloodied amazon tearfully stares up at you. Shakenly she reaches toward you and you grasp her weak hand tightly.

"Ancient mother," she whimpers, "We did our best to protect you yet still, so many of us have been lost."

Why didn't they pray?!

Why didn't they call out your name?!

Your rest be damned, you were supposed to be the one protecting them, not the other way around, and yet...

You're pulled away from your frantic thoughts when you hear her stutter out "P-please run, or he will take you a-away..."

The amazon tightens her hold on your hand briefly before pitifully whispering, "Ancient mother... I'm sorry..."

Then, she was gone.

"Theres no need to apologize, my child," you whisper while gently wiping her fallen tears.

Pressing a kiss to the crown of her head you softly utter, "You did well, you all did well."

Then silently, you wept.

Sending her off to the Heavenly Realm, you leave your temple only to be greeted with the sight of fire consuming the homes of your children and tearing through everything you and they had built over time.

The scent of burnt flesh and blood is thick in the air, yet still fresh, causing you to recoil slightly.

Repressing the fresh onslaught of tears, you spread your wings and travel down the many levels of the place you once called home. Along the way, you take notice of the fresh sight of marked graves, the flames somehow leaving them be.

Whoever acted upon such carnage somehow had some semblance of decency to put them to rest.

Landing in front of the still in tact statue of yourself, you silently crouch down and mourn. The tears that fell from your eyes burned from your grief and slowly building rage.

Whoever did this will surely pay with their life.

Then, a shiver passes down your spine as an overwhelming dark aura begins to blanket the area, causing the roaring of the flames to fall silent. Wiping your tears, you pull on a calm facade and stand up to turn to face the perpetrator.

Now, you stood before a happily smiling Joseph.

"[Y/n]," he calls your name excitedly, "You're finally awake! I've waited so long to see you!"

You remain silent, your clenched fists the only telling sign of your growing rage.

Joseph is not bothered by your silence as he spreads his arms and says, "It took me so long to take down those amazons on each level of your sanctum. Your creations were strong, but my love for you gave me the strength to continue you onward and finally reach you."

Magic burns at your fingertips and your wings spread behind you as your aura spreads out from your anger, yet instead of being fearful you see a perverse expression on Joseph's face, his gaze filled with unabashed desire.

"A human who bathes in the blood of a thousand demons can become a demon himself. I never thought I'd see such a thing, yet here you are, a human turned demon whose now killed my children for selfish reasons!"

You take a step closer, your eyes filled with hate.

"I've slept for so long yet once I've awakened I'm met with the sight of the fallen. Do you shed blood in my name? No, such sins are made on your own! You selfishly take and take, and for what?!" Your eyes burn gold as your rage grows.

Joseph grins as he points toward you while uttering, "Next, you'll say: All so you can have something unattainable!"

"All so you can have something unattainable," the words leave your mouth with ease yet you flinch at the fact Joseph had predicted them.

Joseph chuckles at your surprised expression as he whispers, "That's where you're wrong, [Y/n]."

In a split second, the demon is now standing before you, his arms curling around you to pull you close. You have no time to react or think of breaking free for his grip is tight, most likely unbreakable. You flinch at the sight of Joseph's smile, your body tilting back the moment he leans close to you, lips almost touching yours.

At the sight of his glowing red eyes, your immense sense of dread returns at full force while he utters, "What I want is no longer unattainable for she's right where I want her."

Not gonna lie, I made myself a little teary-eyed when killing off the unnamed amazon.

RIP Unnamed Amazon (T▽T)

Also, I haven't written anything for Joseph in a while, and this seemed fitting for him.

(〃^∇^)ノ See you around, my dears!

(〃^∇^)ノ See you around, my dears!

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