➷ Jonathan | Return

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Mythical AU

Freedom, that is something you yearned for, yet you knew you'd never be able to have.

"No more..." You whisper, brokenly.

There you sat, straddling Jonathan's hips, shaking hands gripping a bloodied dagger. Your form shook slightly as your hollow, [e/c] eyes stared into Jonathan's lifeless gaze.

The smile that you believed you loved was still present on his face yet the warmth of his body was slowly fading away.

Dropping the dagger, it barely makes a sound against the plush sheets of the bed.

With more confidence than you truly felt, you climbed off of Jonathan's lifeless form and made your way to the door. The tension slowly eased away from your shoulders once you left the room.

Although, the moment your hand grasped the knob of the front door a rush of anticipation swelled inside of you. Slowly, the door was opened as you allowed yourself to take tentative first steps. You take a moment to look at your surroundings, your eyes taking in the dense trees of the forest.

Then, you turned your gaze to the sky.

Finally able to bask in the sun's warm light, you allowed yourself to weep.

You had done it...

You had finally done it...

You killed Jonathan!

A relieved smile appeared on your face as the tears faded away. Now, you would be able to have a life away from him, able to control your own actions, able to be happy.

There was no time to waste. You would leave your past behind you and set out to see the world. Jonathan no longer existed which meant you were free.

But deep down, you felt as if it wasn't true.

The three days of freedom you had were wonderful. With ease, you managed to settle in somewhere far from the dense forest you had been isolated in.

You even made some friends!

So why, why was everything burning?

You stood amongst the roaring flames, watching as the beloved town you came to call home burn. Your voice had become hoarse with how loud you screamed, searching, hoping.

There were no survivors.

Having enough of this heart-wrenching scene you turn away only to come in eye contact with your greatest fear.

Your pupils shrink as shivers begin to course through your body. Your legs felt weak before you dropped to your knees in shock, tears spilling down your cheeks.

"How?!" You sob.

There Jonathan stood with a gentle smile on his face, not a single injury on his body.

You couldn't believe it.

How was he still alive?!

As you tried to comprehend his existence, Jonathan found your teary expression endearing.

He believed your tears were tears of joy.

Jonathan makes his way toward you, his expression kind and filled with no anger. He towers over you, regarding you for a moment before cupping your cheeks, his grip somewhat tight on your jaw.

Jonathan's smile grew as he looked down at you, his mesmerizing blue eyes seemingly glowing. His expression was loving even though his words proved that you were damned.

"Didn't you know, [Y/n], a Phoenix always rises from its ashes."


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