➷ Josuke | Attention

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♪ Focus on me! I'll be all that they see! ♪

It was closer toward the end of the last class of the day and everyone was bustling around completing various parts of their class project. Josuke was part of the team that helped with adding the necessary material to the project while you were part of the team that instructed where certain pieces should go. As everyone else busied themselves with their chosen assignments, you were explaining to Josuke the next part of the project. 

The teen leaned forward in his desk with one hand cupped against his face as he listened to you speak. His expression was one of content as his lips curled into a soft smile. He lets out a thoughtful hum the moment you pause in speaking before continuing your explanation. Although he wasn't really paying attention as he focuses his gaze on your beautiful [e/c] eyes, his heart fluttering in his chest.

Noticing Josuke's dazed expression you paused in your explanation as an amused grin curled upon your lips.

"Josuke, are you listening to me," you ask while waving a hand in front of his face.

"Hm," he blinks slowly before exclaiming, "Oh, yeah!"

"Uh-huh," you cross your arms, "Then what did I say?"

He breaks out into a sweat from your intense gaze as a small blush spreads across his cheeks. You were solely focused on him and he couldn't help how happy it made him.

Noticing that you are still waiting for an answer he gives a sheepish grin while replying, "I'm not sure."

"That's what I thought," you giggle with a small shake of your head.

Josuke let out a laugh of his own before it was halted the moment one his classmates yelled, "[Y/n], we could use your help over here!"

"Oh, sure," you yell back before turning to Josuke and saying, "I'll be right back."

"Alright," he mumbled as he watched you head away from his desk.

The smile on his face vanished the moment your back was to him. A dark bitterness settled within his chest as he eyes the ones who stole your attention away.

He didn't like this feeling, not one bit.

Clenching his fist out of anger, Josuke was prepared to deal with those meddling classmates of his. He didn't care if they all had to work together, you belong to him. Once the class period was over, he would make his move on those who dare try and steal you away.

After all, your attention should only be focused on him.

Thank you for 100k! ♡

Thank you for 100k! ♡

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