➷ Dio | Trapped | Part II

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You remember the day you realized you were pregnant with Giorno. That day was the happiest you had ever been in your long life, but what followed after his birth was devastating.

Be it, god or goddess, a pregnancy did not last long as a human pregnancy. With the power these celestial beings possess their offspring, though they not be fully celestial, were able to develop fast because of their newly formed demigod status.

Even though you knew your pregnancy would be short, you couldn't help the awed expression on your face every time you caressed your swollen stomach and received a gentle little kick.

Leaning back in your seat, a soft glow comes from your hand as you rub it along your belly. Happiness thrums pleasantly through your body for you sense nothing worrying from your growing offspring.

Dio approaches you from behind and leans down to wrap his arms around you, one hand moving to gently rest on your swollen belly.

Pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head he inquires, "Will they be here soon?"

"Yes," you hum pleasantly, "He will be."

Dio pauses at your answer, body stilling in surprise.

"I will have a son." Though his tone sounds inquiring, it's stated in a breathless whisper. 

You merely smile at your human husband's response while uttering, "Yes."

Dio moves around you to wrap you in a hug to the best of his ability, one you returned happily.

An heir to the Brando name.

Dio had wanted a son, yet he would have been fine with a daughter. Now, thanks to you, his lineage would carry on, but it would be at a cost.

You couldn't see Dio's expression darken. From the many sources he gathered, he knew all demigod children must return to the Heavenly Realm for a short period of their lives.

That would mean you'd leave, too.

Dio wouldn't allow it.

His wife, his goddess leaving him is absurd, unfathomable and now that his heir is on the way, he couldn't allow him to be taken away either. The other gods and goddesses have no right to take them from him.

You and his soon-to-be-born son belong to him.

With that thought in mind, Dio knew what he will have to do. He would search for a way to keep you bound to him, if not, bound on the Earthly Realm.

Then, in those coming days, he did find a way and when Giorno had been born, at your most vulnerable moment he used an ancient rune spell to seal your powers. 

Your trust broken for a man's selfish desires.

He had trapped you, only to keep you as a mere prize and no longer a wife.

He had trapped you, only to keep you as a mere prize and no longer a wife

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