➷ Trish | Precious Fan

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How she yearns to have you all to herself.

The warm lights, loud music, and fierce cries of the crowd spur Trish on. The steady beat of her heart along with the fierce pumping of her blood invigorates her as she strives to deliver a performance worth remembering.

This is her life.

After being saved by Bucciarati and his gang, Trish left the gang life and headed toward stardom. She instantly became a pop star, her life now filled with the glam and glory she so desired. As her fame grows, she enjoys the wealth and attention from her many adoring fans but in truth, it all wasn't that satisfying.

Until she saw you.

On one of her tours during the last concert is when she spots you in the crowd. Unlike the many adoring fans that cover themselves in fanwear, you were dressed in a simple outfit. Although, what had drawn her attention was her own name scrawled in fancy bolder letters on your shirt.


Many of her other fans have done such a thing, yet seeing you with her name displayed in such an extravagant way has her heart skipping a beat while causing her to slightly stumble on the lyrics of her song.

Of course, Trish is a professional so she was easily able to continue the rest of her performance without any other hiccups but that didn't stop her from constantly looking in your direction.

When the concert had finally come to an end, Trish instantly demanded one of the security guards to bring you backstage to meet her.

[Y/n], such a beautiful name.

Trish was completely enamored with you, her heart unable to remain steady the moment she hears your voice. The conversation the two shared was too short and already you had to say goodbye, but not without Trish politely demanding your number before giving her own to you.

After that, she watches as you leave with a pretty blush on your face and small hop in your step.

"I want her to be mine," Trish whispers the second you're no longer in her sight, her intense desire summoning Spice Girl.

"Then we shall have her," Spice Girl responds.

You are her precious fan, one she has instantly fallen in love with.

In her heart, Trish knows you belong to her so when the opportunity arrives she'll snatch you away to keep you all to herself.

In her heart, Trish knows you belong to her so when the opportunity arrives she'll snatch you away to keep you all to herself

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