➷ Jotaro | Bullied

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Those who hurt you will pay with their lives.

You sob softly as you sat in the corner of the gym's equipment room, your hands hurting from banging on the door to be let out. Your uniform had slight tears in it while it was covered in dried up paint along with a few flakes of shimmering blue glitter.

A few minutes prior to this situation, you had been in gym class. All throughout the practice volleyball game, some girls from your homeroom kept purposely pushing you to the ground.

"Fat pig should watch where she's going," Hana snickers the moment after she tripped you.

"Aw, I'm sorry [Y/n]," Maya mocks, "I didn't see you there."

Throughout the class period, you were mocked, tripped, and even elbowed in the side the moment you tried to avoid being near them. With sickly sweet words of worry from them, the teacher merely mistook your misgivings for clumsiness.

The moment the whistle was blown, signaling the end of class, you were filled with momentary relief. Wordlessly, you waited for all the girls to leave the locker room before getting dressed. After smoothing out the wrinkles in your skirt, you grab your bag and make your way out only to stop dead in tracks.

Hana and Maya had been waiting for you.

Fearfully, you try to run only to get yanked harshly by your wrist before being shoved into the equipment room.

"I don't know what Jojo even sees in you," Maya sneers as Hana closes the door behind them.

"You don't even deserve him," she yells the moment you turn to face them.

"He loves me for who I am," you sniffle, petrified by their harsh expressions.

That seemed to set them off.

No physical injury was left on your person, only the shame of being openly ridiculed while the girls dumped paint onto your head. At times like this, you wish you had the courage to stand up for yourself.

But you were too much of a coward.

After they had enough of tormenting you, the took out their phones to snap pictures of your shaking form.

"See you later, [Y/n]," they laugh after destroying your phone before ultimately locking you inside.

Sniffling you try to wipe away your tears, unaware of how long you'd be trapped inside. Calming down somewhat, you knew Jotaro would come for you, but you slightly fear his response once he learns of what has happened.

For now, you could only wait it out.

When the next class period was about to start, Jotaro had noticed your absence. With his arms crossed, he stared at your empty seat in front of him in mild annoyance.

You were late.

His frown deepens the moment he hears the annoying laughter of Hana and Maya as they enter the classroom. The two girls rush over to their friends, holding their phones out to them to show something they found amusing.

"You guys actually did that?" Aki asks as she giggles at the pictures shown.

"[Y/n]'s never looked better, huh?" Maya giggles as she shows them another picture of you.

Jotaro's eyes narrow the moment he hears your name, his irritation turning into anger instantly. Wordlessly, he slips from his seat and heads over to the group of girls. With ease, he swipes the phone from Ren's hand and stares at the humiliating pictures of you on them, his anger getting the best of him the moment the phone was crushed in his hands.

The girls begin to panic as Hana tries to let out an excuse, "Oh, Jojo—!"

"Where is she?" He glares down at them, the darkness in his eyes frightening them completely.

"W-we locked her in the gym's equipment room," Hana whimpers, frightened.

"Star Platinum: The World."

The girls stare at him in confusion before their expressions were permanently frozen. Star Platinum moves toward the group of girls with his fists clenched tight.

Angrily, Star Platinum and Jotaro yell out, "ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!"

Fierce punches were thrown, slamming into each girl's face and stomach. Jotaro made sure they wouldn't survive this encounter for what they'd done to his [Y/n].

"Time has begun to move again," he whispers the moment he steps out of the class.

The screams of his frightened classmates interrupt the quietness the moment he steps out into the hall. A small grin curls upon his face as he watches some of the teachers rush to the classroom in response to the petrified yells.

Now, to get his girl.

You were roused from your fitful sleep the moment you hear the doors being wrenched open. The loud shout of ORA causes you to jump slightly the moment the doors were pulled from their hinges and thrown to the side. Star Platinum's angered expression calms the moment his eyes land on you, but they narrow at your appearance.

"Jojo—!" Your attempt at standing up proves futile the moment Jotaro scoops you into his arms.

"I'm sorry," he sighs.

"It's okay," you sniffle softly, "You're here now."

A fierce ORA occurs behind you and you laugh softly while saying, "You both are."

"Now," grunts out, "Let's go home."

Star Platinum follows closely behind Jotaro as he exits the equipment room before heading out of the gym. The sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance as Jotaro uses Star Platinum to hop over the school's fence.

You already knew why the police were there.

You sigh softly as you nuzzle your head against Jotaro's chest, content with being in his arms. Even though you knew what he did was wrong, you were happy you no longer had to face their torment.

In his own way, this is one of the many ways Jotaro shows his love for you.

In his own way, this is one of the many ways Jotaro shows his love for you

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