➷ Joseph | Caesar | Same Old, Same Old

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Some things never change.

I'm too old for this shit!

That was the thought that ran through your mind as you made your way through an ancient temple. Joseph was hellbent on finding any remaining stone masks, so you ended being dragged along on his little expedition.

Not wanting to be the only to suffer through the man's impulsiveness, you dragged Caesar along with you.

Now, the information the Speedwagon Foundation provided about the large array of stone masks proved to be true as the three of you found yourselves somewhere in Mexico.

But, they didn't tell you there was another Pillarman!

You only assumed Kars had made contact with a group similar to his kind and shared his knowledge on the masks. Even though the man trapped in stone bore markings on his body, he was defiantly like Kars and his followers.

Although, he reminded you more of Santana.

Huffing at that memory, you continued your run across the temple, avoiding any traps. The Pillarman was hot on your heels, uncaring of the traps laid about the place.

Skidding to a stop, you turn to face the Pillarman with a small grimace. Your hands sparked with Hamon the moment he came close, allowing you to deliver a devasting blow to him. The Pillarman's arm was completely obliterated as he was sent flying back.

"That'll teach you." You huff. 

Unsurprised, you watched as the Pillarman slowly got back on his feet, body slightly swaying. He caught you by surprise the moment he launched forward, aiming to disembowel you. With the use of your Hamon, you managed to block his fierce attack, but it didn't stop your body from sliding across the room and hitting the wall.

"I'm too old for this shit!" You scowl.

Your back was definitely going to have some bruises later.

Before the Santana wannabe could attack you again, a large number of bubbles rippling with Hamon was sent crashing into his body. While he was down for a moment you hear the anger in Caesar's voice as he says, "We'll teach you a lesson for trying to harm what's ours."

Your gaze turned to the entrance of the temple and that's where you saw an angry Caesar and Joseph, bodies covered completely in Hamon.

"My heroes," you huff out a laugh.

In a matter of minutes, the Pillarman was tossed out the temple and into the waiting rays of the sun.

He didn't last very long against Joseph and Caesar.

Once the mini-battle was over, Caesar and Joseph were already back to arguing.

"See, I told you she'd be fine, Caesar." Joseph grins.

"Shut it, Jojo!" Caesar scowls. "She wouldn't have gotten in this mess if you didn't set off that trap earlier."

You rolled your eyes at their childish manner, a fond smile curling at your lips.

With a huff, you began to walk away while saying, "I can't believe I actually married you two."

Hearing that, the two turned away from each other and noticed that you were about to leave them behind.

"Ah, [Y/n], wait!" The two exclaim as they race after you.

Not too yandere, yet wholesome. ôヮô


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