➷ Dio | Requiescat in pace

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Modern AU

Requiescat in pace.

This beautiful day was one of many, one that you'd normally enjoy with the two most important people in your life.

But today was not one of those days.

Cradling your newborn close to your chest, you allowed your tears to fall. The sleeping child was blissfully unaware of his mother's inner turmoil.

Suppressing a sob, you let out a shuddering sigh as you used the sleeve of your coat to gently dab at your teary eyes. Sniffling, you gaze at the peaceful man lying in the mahogany casket.

Jonathan, your precious husband, was gone.

A hand was gently placed on your shoulder as a soothing yet deep voice uttered, "He looks so peaceful."

Nodding, your teary gaze shifts away from Jonathan and to the sound of the familiar voice.

At the sight of who it was a relieved yet small smile curls upon your lips.

"Thanks for coming, Dio," you whisper.

"Of course," he says as he removes the handkerchief from his coat pocket before moving to gently wipe away your tears.

As the service progressed, Dio remained by your side. Through your teary speech to soft remarks remade by family, he kept you grounded.

You were grateful to have him with you during this heartbreaking time, but in the end it had become too much the moment they closed the casket and prepared to lower him down.

You found your legs giving out on you as a heart-wrenching sob spilled past your lips. Before the pain of the ground could come, Dio had pulled you into his arms. Dio had become an anchor as you cried, his hold bringing you comfort.

Once again, you are grateful for Dio being here.

As the service finally came to a close, Dio stood near the freshly filled ground. His golden gaze was filled with amusement as he read the gravestone.

Hearing you call his name, he decided there was no need to linger any further.

"Rest in peace, Jojo," he chuckles. 

A few months have gone by since Jonathan's funeral and you were feeling a little bit better than you previously expected.

Of course, that was thanks to Dio.

The man had helped with the simple things as you tried to get the flow of your life back on track. With a child to love and raise, the exhaustion and sadness you had previously was barely present.

Even though the heartache was still present, playing with your little George always brought you happiness.

Smiling at your babbling child, you nuzzle the tip of your nose against his own, laughing softly when he sneezes in response.

As you relax with him in your arms, Dio watches you with a fond expression on his face.

Now that Jonathan was out of the picture and no longer a plaguing nuisance in his life, everything was perfect.

His wife.

His child.

"All of it is rightfully mine," Dio thinks with a smirk.

And you were none the wiser.

And you were none the wiser

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