➷ Susie Q | Heart

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《 Heart | Part 4 of 4 》

It may not seem like it, but I only have eyes for you.

Susie Q knows that her first impression leads people to think she's a simple, clumsy, and oblivious woman. But to be honest, that is merely what she has lead others to believe. If people truly knew the real Susie Q, then they'd come to understand everything she does is a mere act.

She's always watching, always listening to those around her.

Her simple facade allowed her to get into good graces with Lisa Lisa, allowing her to get hired so she could be near the true object of her affections.


Susie Q loves you immensely, yet somehow she finds others vying for your affection. The blonde woman found herself surrounded by competition and she despises that.

Lisa Lisa, Joseph, and Caesar.

All three of them found their hearts taken by you just as her own had been. She knew Lisa Lisa is aware of Joseph and Caesar's desire for you, but she also knew Lisa Lisa is completely unaware of her own deep and darkening affections.

Susie Q may seem oblivious, but it's all an act to get what truly belongs to her. Before they know it, you would soon be all hers to love and cherish.

So, only a little bit longer to remain oblivious.

Hello, my dears!

This is the last Oneshot for this book and this year!

I hope you enjoyed reading each Oneshot I've made.

Mine | Yandere!JJBA x Reader | Book 2 will be coming soon.

So, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! ♡

So, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! ♡

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