➷ Avdol | Underworld

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Hades!Avdol, Human!Reader

You shall remain here with me, forever.

Trapped deep in the Underworld, you were having a hard time finding a way back out while avoiding anguished souls that were eager to feast upon your warm flesh.

The long trek of walking while hiding in fear for your life has taken a lot of your energy faster than you'd expected. Now, you were resting against a large boulder. As you recovered some of your strength, you did your best to calm down your erratic heartbeat.

You were petrified.

Sniffling softly, you wipe away the few tears that managed to fall. Right now, all you wanted to do was go back home, but the chance of finding the way out of the Underworld was quickly becoming bleak.

Sighing, the harsh gurgling of your stomach causes you to wince.

You were starving.

Rubbing your aching stomach, you slowly stood to your feet with the mindset of finding something to eat. Your pace was slow as you felt your energy lessen more with each step you took.

Not a moment too soon did you notice the sight of fresh greenery. The sweet smell of various fruits had your mouth watering as you took in the sight of pomegranate, apple, pear, and cherry trees. Without thinking, you picked some of the fruit from their trees, your stomach demanding you to bite into the succulent-looking fruits. Once gathering enough, you settle at the base of one of the trees to partake in your meal.

The moment you popped a few pomegranate seeds into your mouth, relief overcame you in an instant.

Although, you were unaware of the mistake you'd made.

As you feast on the fresh fruits, Avdol watches you from afar with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, [Y/n]," he chuckles, "Now, you're officially mine."


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