➷ Jotaro | A Mermaid's Tale | Part III

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Everything had been going so well, so why now did something change?

Jotaro stares questioningly at your tense form, your pupils so thin they practically disappear in the [e/c] of your eyes. Your lips were pulled into a slight frown as you eye him warily, distrust in him evident. 

With his hands raised in a placating gesture, he takes a step forward while uttering, "[Y/n]—"

"Stay back," your frown deepens as your expression is filled with fear, "You're one of them."

Jotaro didn't like the sight of your fear nor the hurt displayed in your voice.

"What do you mean," he urges you softly.

You bristle slightly the moment he takes a step forward, but your eyes are focused on something behind him.

"One that attacks or protects," you whisper, "The guardian spirit that lurks behind."

Jotaro pauses at your statement, his eyes slightly narrowed before he glanced behind him. He's mildly surprised to see Star Platinum, even though it wasn't the first time the stand appeared without his call. Star Platinum's gaze was intense as he stared at you, his action similar to how Jotaro looks at you at certain times.

It was strange but the spirit oddly reminds you of him. 

"Wait," your eyes shift away from him and on to Jotaro, eyes seeing more than he ever could.

The spirit doesn't just protect him, he's a part of him.

"Then that would mean—," your thoughts are interrupted when a soft ora sounds in front of you.

The spirit was leaning close to you, eyes staring intently into your own. His sudden appearance causes a small hiss to slip past your lips, your body reacting instinctively to the sudden threat as your claws rake down Star Platinum's face.

Claws coated in blood, you don't return to your senses till the smell reaches your nose. With wide eyes, you take a few steps away before noticing the exact same bloody claw marks on Jotaro's injured face.

"Jotaro," you rush toward his crouched form, hands gently cupping his face.

"I'm sorry," you mutter as you guide your finger against his cuts, magic thrumming at your fingertips.

"It's fine," he grunts out as winces slightly from your touch.

"It'll only take a second," you say soothingly as your magic begins to heal the scars, stitching back the skin.

Once you were done, not a single trace of your claw marks was on his face.

Sighing soft, your expression is apologetic as you began to pepper his face with kisses. 

"I am sorry," you apologize again before laying a kiss on his lips, "I acted out of instinct, but I was unaware I'd hurt you in the process."

Jotaro chuckles softly as you place another kiss on his lips before saying, "It's fine, but from your reaction, I assume you've met others with an ability similar to mine."

Nodding, you sigh tiredly before saying, "For a long time now, I have traveled with my pod, leading them to places I deemed safe."

You pause briefly when Star Platinum wraps his arms around you, but instead of tensing up you gently pat his cheek in apology before continuing. 

"We were forced to leave the places we called home," you frown, "hunted down by humans who are protected by a being like this one here."

You pat Star Platinum's cheek again with an amused smile as a soft ora occurs, the stand pressing closer against you.

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