➷ Bucciarati | Fond

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You aren't so fond of him as he is of you.

Your awareness kicks in the moment there's a sudden shift in your room, causing you to stir from your fitful slumber. Blinking the sleep from your eyes you don't even flinch the second you come in eye contact with a pair of blue eyes. 

Bucciarati offers up a smile as he asks, "How are you feeling?"

Instead of deigning an answer, you opt to mumble out, "Stop breaking into my house."

"Don't be like that, amor," he smirks, "I'm merely checking up on you."

"I don't need you to do that," you huff out before a coughing fit keeps you from saying anything further.

Bucciarati settles on your bed to rub your back soothingly, his expression filled with concern as he eyes your slightly pained expression. Once your coughing settles he lifts a glass of water to your lips, which you happily drain to help soothe your aching throat.

"You know, If I didn't check on you, you'd be wallowing in misery," he tuts softly as places the empty glass on your nightstand.

"I'd prefer that than having you continually break into my house, Bucciarati," you huff.

"You don't mean that," he chuckles as he lightly caresses your cheek, "I know you're rather fond of me."

Blaming the flush of your face on your fever, you merely knock his hand away. Bucciarati takes it in stride as he smiles, absolutely pleased that you didn't deny his words.

Seems like he didn't have to kidnap you after all.

Unbeknownst to him, you were eyeing his pleased expression warily. You were no fool to Bucciarati's feelings for you nor of the skills the man possesses.

Just your luck a gangster fell in love with you.

Snuffling softly, you mentally curse your stomach the moment it decides to rumble with hunger.

Bucciarati chuckles in response as he utters, "I'll go and fix you some soup."

With a small bit of discontent, you watch as he exits your bedroom. The man practically acts as if the two of you are married and as insufferable as that is you didn't even waste a breath in trying to stop him.

At this point, you had no more energy to kick him out so you allowed yourself to sink back into the fluffy pillows Bucciarati had placed around you for comfort. Knowing waiting for him to return would further exhaust you, you decided to doze off.

"When I wake up, I'm demanding him to tell me how he keeps breaking in."

With that final thought, you allow yourself to somewhat blissfully drift off.

With that final thought, you allow yourself to somewhat blissfully drift off

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