➷ Jotaro | Kakyoin | Captured

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Fantasy AU, Celestial!Reader, Knight!Jotaro, Knight!Kakyoin

You were taken from them, but they will get you back.

"Are you leaving already?" You ask with a small tilt of your head.

Kakyoin chuckles softly at the pout on your face as he says, "Yes, we're needed two towns over."

"But we won't be gone for long, possibly 3 days time," Jotaro grunts out as he reluctantly pulls from your embrace.

Sighing, you gently take their hands in yours and give them a gentle squeeze. Although you could not see them, you knew they didn't want to leave you.

"I will be fine," you smile as you slowly lead them to their horses.

The two men chuckle softly, the tension easing somewhat from their shoulders at your reassuring statement. You perk up at the sound of their laughs, your heart warming at the sounds. Jotaro and Kakyoin easily hopped on to their horses, their hearts warm from the fact you were seeing them off. With a simple twirl, your body lifted off the ground to float in between them.

Turning your head left then right you say, "I will miss you."

"And we will miss you," they say before leaning over and pressing a kiss to your cheeks.

With that, the two took the reins of their horses and shot off. Smiling, you wave them goodbye while yelling, "Jotaro, Kakyoin, have a safe trip!"

Content, you easily glide back into your forest, patiently planning to wait for your precious knights' return.

When Jotaro and Kakyoin arrived in the first town to stock up on supplies, Kakyoin went to the guildhall to gain more information on the job they're supposed to be accomplishing.

Leaving the guildhall, Kakyoin relaid the information he had received. As the two men spoke on a plan, they felt as if something was amiss with the information they had been given.

"Jojo, I have a bad feeling," Kakyoin whispers as he looks over the letter that was sent to them.

Jotaro frowns before saying, "So do I, so let's get this done quickly so we can return to her."

Nodding, Kakyoin stores the note back into his pouch before saddling up. Making sure everything was in order, the two knights shot out of town in a hurry.

They didn't know why, but there was an unsettling feeling forming in the pit of their stomachs.

While Jotaro and Kakyoin were away, it left you to your thoughts. Fond memories of the three of you flashed through your mind as you quietly made your way through the forest. The dead flora being rejuvenated the moment you passed by, enabling the life already growing in your domain to flourish even more.

Humming softly, your hands gently glided along the flowers that have recently bloomed in your care. Even though you could not see them, the life that dwelled within them was music to your ears. Smiling softly, you glided to the center of the field and decided to meditate, allowing yourself to take in the peaceful atmosphere.

While you relaxed, a group of mercenaries slowly slinked their way through your forest, their eyes searching for you.

"Are you sure the celestial is here?" Akashi, the second-in-command, questions as the group grows closer to your location.

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