➷ Jotaro | Comfort

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You're beautiful just the way you are.

Recently, Jotaro has been noticing the downward shift in your mood. Particularly, when lunchtime came around.

He watched you closely, his eyes focusing on the pout of your plump lips as you picked at your salad. He knew you had certain issues with your weight, but he didn't necessarily care.

He loved your chubbiness, curves and all.

The annoying whispers of some girls from their class caught his attention. They stood off to the side, hands covering their smirking faces as they gossiped.

Normally, he wouldn't care, but since their attention is on you he was alert. They were whispering low enough where he couldn't hear, but from the hunching of your shoulders, he knew you could.

Scowling, his gaze shifted away from them and on to you.

"Come here." He grunted.

"What is it?" You asked as you got up from your seat and moved toward him.

Jotaro doesn't say anything as he gently grabs your wrist and pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your plush waist.

Surprised you yelp, "Jotaro, what are you—"

Before you could finish your sentence, he had shoved a small half of his sandwich into your mouth. At the familiar taste of Holly's cooking, you easily melted into his hold. Happily munching on it, your earlier complaint goes forgotten.

"Better?" He chuckles as he presses you closer to him, relishing in the fact he got to have you in his arms.

"Mmhm!" You nod happily.

Jotaro was content again once he saw the smile return to your face.

Looking back at those irritating gossipers, his expression darkened. It was about time for him to teach those foolish girls a lesson.

 It was about time for him to teach those foolish girls a lesson

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