➷ Caesar | Heart

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《 Heart | Part 2 of 4 》

The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew we were meant to be.

After the events that lead up to the death of his father, Caesar travels until he meets Lisa Lisa.

The woman takes him as a student to help him train his hamon and along the way, he ends up meeting you. At the time, he learns of a man called Straizo who had taught both you and Lisa Lisa the ways of a hamon user so, instead of having just one mentor he ended up with two.

As he spends time with both women, Caesar couldn't help but compare them. Lisa Lisa is a strict and calm teacher while you're patient and kind, your methods proving to be on the easier side than Lisa Lisa's life-threatening methods. 

Even though he's a fast learner, Caesar enjoys the time and consideration you give to help him improve in his training. Each and every time you'd correct him, you'd present him with a soft smile before slowly guiding him toward an easier understanding.

Slowly, he finds himself being drawn to you as his desire to win your affections began to make itself known. The young man found himself obsessing, his burning passion seemingly threatening to consume him.

And he'd let it.

Then, he realized you captured his heart.

So, when other men or women would look your way, hatred burned deep inside of him. Even for a mere friendly conversation jealousy threatens to consume him, the desire for bodily harm growing. 

The only one he truly tolerates near you is Lisa Lisa, yet slowly he began to realize the look in his mentor's eyes.

Lisa Lisa loves you, too.

Then unexpectedly, Joseph comes along and Caesar finds himself surrounded by friends turned enemies.

Though he doesn't wish to shed their blood, he is happy to do so just for you.

So, all the while he's planning their demise, unknowingly, you held Caesar's heart in the palm of your hand.

This meant he'd stop at nothing until you belong to him.

This meant he'd stop at nothing until you belong to him

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