➷ Dio | Eternity

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You crave him as much as he craves you.

On a cool night such as this one, the temperature of the room felt uncomfortably hot.

The passionate moans and whines spilling from your kiss-swollen lips was music to Dio's ears.

The vampire allowed himself to be lost in the pleasure, his crimson gaze solely focused on you.

His clawed hands ran across the smooth expanse of your stomach, leaving goosebumps across your body. His mouth made quick work against your [s/t] neck, causing shuddering sighs to escape your lips.

Tears welled up in your glossy [e/c] eyes as exhaustion flowed through your body. This sinfully slow pleasure was your punishment for having gone against Dio's orders.

"P-please..." You whined, begging for some form of release.

Dio had been inside you, unmoving, for over two hours, while keeping you on the edge of your release. His teasing touches across your overheated and sensitive skin was driving you insane.

Dio's gaze becomes lidded as he chuckles faintly at your whining. It was endearing to have you so easily manipulated. It brought him joy to hear you begging for him.

To appease you somewhat, he grips your hips rather tightly as he began to deliver shallow thrusts. The smirk adorning his face grew at the sight of your expression.

Frustrated tears well up in your eyes as the grip you held on the cloth securing your wrists tighten as your body arches into his touch. Exhausted as you were, your mind and body still desired more of him.

Soon enough, Dio begins to leave angry red and purple bruises across your neck. So many of his bite marks littered your body.

They were proof of his claim over you.

Finally, he presses his lips against yours, allowing the passion he has for you to consume him. Tongues intertwined as the kiss becomes needier, the taste of you only filling him with more desire. Your own desire for him increases as the need to run your fingers through his golden locks deepens.

Too soon did your kiss needed to end, for the intense burning in your lungs demanded you to breathe. A string of saliva connects the two of you the moment Dio pulls away. He watches the steady rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in much-needed oxygen before shifting his gaze upon your flushed form.

His eyes seemingly glow in the darkness of the room as he finally decides to speak.

"Say it," he rumbles out.

Without hesitation, you give him the answer he desires.

"I'm yours, only yours!~" You moan out.

He gives a relatively hard yet deep thrust, pleased by your answer.

"That's right, you're mine, for all eternity."



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