➷ Risotto | Control

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Running is easy, hiding is harder.

Monday 11:30 am


I can't take this anymore!


Don't do anything foolish.


I won't allow you to control me any longer!

Friday 3:00 pm


Come home.


I don't have a home.

Wednesday 10:15 am


Stop this pointless running, [Y/n].

You need me.


No, I don't!

Saturday  9:50 pm


You covered your tracks well, but I will find you and take you back.


You can't force me to go with you, Risotto!

I'd rather die!


You will return to me of your own free will.

You will return to me of your own free will.

Those ten words chilled you to the bone.

It has been two weeks since you ran from La Squadra, from Risotto. The man proved to be persistent, tracking every burner phone you'd get before you ultimately stop using them. The farther you went the more it seemed you were being pushed back into a corner, your options being limited ever so quickly.

Risotto was diligent in his profession, something you had admired about him, yet feared. He was a man you thought you truly loved, one who you'd willingly give your everything to, but later you realized how wrong you were. As quiet and calculative as he was, he was also controlling. He made you feel like you were a puppet on strings, only good for when he truly needed you.

You no longer felt like a person when you were with him.

The moment you had enough of his manipulative ways was the moment you'd decided to leave, using contacts Risotto was unaware of so he'd have a hard time tracking you.

Running away was the easy part, hiding was more difficult.

Sighing, you ran a hand across your tired face. Exhaustion plagued your body, along with the ever-growing fear that the last words Risotto told you would become true.

The man proved that he was truly an assassin the moment your secret contacts began to be picked off one by one, displayed in a horrific manner to let you know that he was forever ten steps ahead.

It was frustrating yet terrifying, knowing that he could so easily take you away if he wanted. The thought causes your shoulders to shake as tears begin to fall from your tired eyes.

Why couldn't he just leave you alone?!

You hold in the frustrated scream that so desperately wanted to be let out, a sob taking its place as you fruitlessly try to wipe away your tears.

Wallowing in your misery, like so many times before, you were unaware that you were being watched. Small cameras placed inconspicuously in your room allowed the man you were so desperately trying to run from to watch you.

As usual, Risotto watches you silently on the screen of his computer, your soft sobs filling the silence of his hotel room. The assassin felt that he needed to console you yet also knew that this was a lesson that you needed to learn.

You needed to understand that you could never run from him.

Although, he'd give you credit for the difficulty he had at the beginning in tracking you. Even though he was watching you now, you'd slip from his grasp the next day.

You had a hard time hiding, but you could run rather far.

Risotto sighs softly as he presses his hand against the computer screen, the urge of wanting to touch you growing.

This little game of cat and mouse that you were playing was growing tiresome, but he knew soon enough you'd be right back to where you belong, in his arms and under his control.

This little game of cat and mouse that you were playing was growing tiresome, but he knew soon enough you'd be right back to where you belong, in his arms and under his control

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