➷ Narancia | Found

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Run, but you can't hide.

Hidden in an abandoned building your body shook sporadically. Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest as your tears fell silently from your eyes. The loud sound of a plane flying overhead causes you to tense up, a fearful shriek threatening to spill from your lips.

He's here!

You stood up on shaking legs before quietly making your way through the old shop.

You knew you couldn't stay in one spot long with Aerosmith flying around.

The area you were in was heavily populated, but you knew in a very short time people would start to head home.

Preparing to climb out the window, you freeze when you hear Aerosmith again. Instantly, you dropped to your feet before crawling to the corner of the room.

Taking a few deep breaths in and out, you did your best to calm your rapid heartbeat. Feeling a bit calm, you prepped to get back up until you hear something truly frightening.

"Oi, [Y/n], where are you?"

The sound of Narancia's voice made you want to scream in frustration.

No matter where you went, he was always one step ahead.

"No turning back now," you frown.

As quiet as you could, you crawl back to the window. Listening out for Narancia, you hear him call for you again but his voice sounded farther away.

Slowly, you slid the window open, making sure not a sound or squeak could be made to alert Narancia of your presence. Once the window was open wide enough for you to slip out, a beautiful blue butterfly slips inside.

You watch the fluttering arthropod with caution as it flies about before gently landing on your wrist and turning into a familiar bracelet.

You couldn't believe it, Giorno was helping him!

"Finally, I've found you!" Narancia exclaims with a grin.

In an instant, the relief you felt turned into dread.

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