➷ Polnareff | Caught at Sea

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Pirate!Polnareff, Mermaid!Reader

The sea runs red with the blood of your sisters.

The roaring waves were easily overcome by the loud pain-filled screeches of the mermaids trapped below. The air was filled with the scent of gunpowder and blood, the two mixing together. The noxious fumes made you sick to your stomach as you struggled in the net you were trapped in.

The captain of this dreadful vessel saunters up to your struggling form with a pleased smile on his face.

"I've finally caught you," Polnareff chuckles the moment your attention turns on to him.

"Polnareff," you snarl, "Release me at once!"

"No can do, ma chérie," he tsks softly while wagging his finger at you, "You know how long it took for me to find you?"

"You have no right to do this," you let out a sob as the terrified screaming going on behind you grew louder in volume.

"Don't cry, mon amour," his expression is one of false-sympathy as some of his crewmen remove you from the net and prepared to place you in a cramped tank.

Even though your struggling proves pointless, you manage to scratch the two holding on to you with your claws. The angry red lines on their arms and faces along with their small shouts of pain allows you to grin in slight victory yet quickly proved to be short-lived the moment you were sealed inside.

"Alright, men," Polnareff grins, "Finish it!"

His crew saluted him while yelling out, "Aye, Capitaine!

Horrified, you watch helplessly as the crewmen walk toward the side of the ship armed and ready before firing into the already blood-stained waters. 

"My sisters!" A loud, pain-filled screech tore from your throat as you harshly banged against the tank.

Your loud screeching resonated with those dying below, causing some of the crewmen to wince in pain while others only felt a slight bit of guilt from what they had been ordered to do.

Soon enough, it was over.

You don't know what broke you more, the fact their screaming grew silent or the fact the crewmen were cheering in celebration from what they had done.

Whimpering, you hunch in on yourself while curling your arms around your body for comfort, your eyes squeezed shut as tears roll down your cheeks.

As your mourned silently Polnareff eyes you for a moment, pleased with himself now that you were within his grasp.

Turning away from your silent form he turns to take his position at the helm.

"Let's set sail," he commands with a victorious grin on his face.

"Aye, aye," his crew responds in tandem as they hurried off to their posts.

As the Silver Chariot sails away from the gruesome massacre, Polnareff couldn't be further from proud.

Now that he had you, everything was slowly coming to fruition.

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