➷ Illuso | Soon

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It's only a matter of time.


That was what Illuso thought as he watched you from within his mirror dimension. His eyes were focused on every action you made, causing his lips to pull into a wide grin.

Enamored, he watches as the towel wrapped around you is removed, revealing soft, tantalizing [s/t] skin. Illuso feels his body grow hot with excitement as he presses his hands against the glass, eager to touch your body.

"All mine," he hums happily as his eyes roamed up and down your body, converting every birthmark, scar, or blemish to memory.

Too soon were clothes placed back on your body as you placed finishing touches on your outfit. Leaning toward the mirror, you hum softly while applying a light coat of gloss.

At the sight of your pursed lips Illuso couldn't help but press his own against the glass, imagining the feel of your lips against his own. 

Pulling away he watches as you turn to answer a call from your roommate. Illuso stares at you in adoration, eager for the days to come.

Soon, he grins, he would have you all to himself.

Soon, he grins, he would have you all to himself

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