➷ Doppio | Diavolo | Burn

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Witch AU

Blood will be spilled upon this beautiful night.

"What a beautiful night," you whisper.

Trapped within an old and grimy cell, you waited patiently for the time of your trial. The tight chains bound around your wrists and ankles hurt, but the pain in your heart far exceeded the pain the shackles were giving you.

The sound of the barred door being unlocked caught your attention as two men slinked inside.

"It's time, witch." One of them says.

The other regards you without sympathy as your chains around your ankles were removed. Then, you were led out of your cell and to the courtyard, where the people of the town chanted in hatred.

Burn the Witch!

Burn the Witch!

Burn the Witch!

You ignored their insistent yelling as you were led toward the wooden pole, your arms and legs being bound to it by ropes. Your [e/c] eyes look over the many faces in the crowd, searching.

"Good, they aren't here," you think with a sad smile, "I don't want them to see this."

You turn your gaze back to the sky, the sight of the moon bringing you some comfort on this dark night.

Soon enough, a few townspeople began to light torches in preparation for setting you aflame. As they began to surround you, the mayor walks up with his arms behind his back. 

"Any last words, witch?" The mayor sneers.

You ignored him, keeping your gaze upon the moon as he waited for a response, but he no longer cared.

You weren't human, anyway.

With a raise of his right hand, he signaled for you to be set aflame.

Eager, the people tossed their torches upon the many logs placed around you, the wood sparking into a roaring flame in a manner of seconds.

As the flames began to lick at your feet, you allow your tears to fall. You turn your gaze away from the moon and instead stared ahead, focusing on the darkness of the forest in the distance.

"I love you, both of you," you whisper solemnly.

With that, you close your eyes and allow the darkness to take you away from the pain.

The townspeople scream of cheer soon turn into fear as two large shadows leap from within the crowd, your body being taken out of the tormenting flames. The townspeople were shrouded in darkness the instant the flames vanished, fear and panic overcoming them.

The mayor, along with a few others, stared petrified at the two demonic forms holding your body close. Eyes burning like the vicious flames that tried to consume you stared at the crowd of people, their killer intent thick within the air.

Doppio and Diavolo, both in separate bodies, stared at the humans with immense rage. Normally, the two familiars were one, but the situation called for both of them to be present. With the itch for blood and chaos, together, the two demons regard the vile humans with a promise.

"Tonight, you all will pay with your lives for hurting what's mine."


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