➷ Dio | Trapped

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Goddess!Reader, Human!Dio, Demigod!Giorno

Falling in love was the worst mistake you could have made.

Your hands gently run along your face, down your neck, and across your collarbones before smoothing over the expanse of the soft [s/t] skin of your hips and legs. Dark yet intricately carved into your skin were sealing runes, used to keep you stuck on the earthly plane without the use of any of your powers.

Even though they are a few years old touching them in such a way still leaves you with a dull ache of pain, almost as similar as when they were once freshly placed on your body.

You were branded, like mere cattle.

Fresh tears begin to spill down your cheeks, giving off a faint unearthly glow as they fell. The dull pain from the runes is bearable now, but the immense ache in your heart, the deep sensation of regret, is something you could never withstand whenever you were alone.

In the silence of your bed-chamber, you quietly wept for all that has been lost.

Not long after the doors to your bed-chamber were silently pushed open, and curious blue eyes peer around the room before pausing at the sight of your shaking form.

Quietly, you are approached and a small hand is placed against your shoulder as a tiny body comes to crouch in front of you.

"Mother, why are you crying?"

The soft yet concerned tone of your son causes more tears to spill from your eyes.

"Because I made a mistake, little one," you sigh, "A mistake I regret to this day."

"What kind of mistake?"

Instead of answering, you gently pull him in your arms and run your fingers through his soft blonde locks.

Sighing softly you whisper, "Giorno, will you promise me something?"

"Of course, mother!" He agrees without any hesitation.

"Promise me to never make the same mistake I did," you whisper as your hug slightly tightens, "and never, ever, fall in love with a mortal."

"But why, mother," Giorno asks as he wiggles slightly in your grip to look at you.

Feeling a penetrating gaze, you look up to see Dio standing in the doorway silently watching your interaction.

Without breaking eye contact with the man you solemnly whisper back "For they will take everything from you."

Giorno goes silent and frowns at the sight of your teary expression, a growing sense of worry developing in the pit of his stomach.

Tugging lightly at your dress, once he gains your attention again he resolutely exclaims, "I promise, so don't cry anymore!"

Affection curls within your chest as you manage to produce a dim, watery smile.

Pulling Giorno close again, you whisper, "Okay."


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