➷ Kakyoin | Missing You

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Mention of blood and broken bones.


Dragon AU

I miss you every day.

How long has it been?

Kakyoin had stopped counting after the first three centuries had gone by.

The draconic familiar had been without his master for so long, his once fiery heart dimmed to a lump of bitter coal.

Alone in this cruel world, the only thing Kakyoin could do was visit you.

Quietly, the large emerald dragon made his way through the cave and to the place you were resting.

"[Y/n], I'm back," he speaks telepathically, hoping for a response.

But he was only met with silence. 

Releasing a shuddering sigh, his body morphed into his human form. Rolling his stiff shoulders he takes a moment to himself, a hesitation that always lingers keeps him rooted to the spot whenever he comes to visit.

His lavender eyes remained focused on the stone covered ground as his hesitation persists. With another sigh, he finally gains the courage to look at you.

Floating above an open pool of crystal clear water, you rest peacefully while trapped within a diamond-shaped prism.

"You're still so beautiful," he whispers solemnly. 

He stares up at you in silence, his heart aching terribly. He drops to his knees in anguish, his clawed hand gripping the place over his heart tightly.

The foolish mistake he made back then, even though he believed what he was doing was right, was the reason you weren't with him now.

His precious master, his beloved.

With an anguished roar, he slams his fist into the ground repeatedly, uncaring of the damage he did to his hand. He didn't stop till he heard the sickening crack of bones and the intense smell of his blood invading his senses.

His hand began to repair itself as his body began to shake, tears spilling down his cheeks in a steady stream. With a choked sob, he crawls to you and presses his blood-covered hand against the prism.

Kakyoin stares up at your peaceful face, his heart aching yet warm. With a shuddering sigh, he presses his head against the prism while uttering, "I wanted you to be mine, but not like this."


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