➷ Rohan | Restart

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It's time to start over.

Piece by piece, it was slowly coming back to you, but as you stared at your reflection you couldn't help the tears you let fall.

What have I become?

You were merely a shell of yourself, a doll corrupted by the man you loathed so much. Rohan, just the thought of him angers you, is a madman because the love he supposedly has for you borderlines obsessiveness. Whatever he did to you was something you could never remember, no matter how many times you did remember. Every memory, both bad and good came back to you, yet whenever Rohan took action to change you it was a complete blank.

In all honesty, you were so tired.

Shaking your head to avoid your depressing thoughts, you tearfully glared at your reflection. Someway, somehow, you will get away from him, but at the moment the most crucial thing was a plan.

Before you could gather thoughts a soft knock at the door startles you.

Rohan knocks a second time before asking, "[Y/n], are you alright in there?"

"Yes," you reply instantly while wiping away your tears.

Smoothing out the wrinkles in your shirt, you take a few calming breaths before ultimately deciding to face him.

"I was just feeling a bit unwell," you say the moment you open the door.

Rohan eyes you silently before asking, "You're not getting sick are you?"

"No, I don't think so," you smile softly before saying, "Well, I'll go finish preparing dinner."

Nodding, he watches you turn away and walk in the direction of the kitchen. His stare burns on your back as he watches you with an impassive expression, eyes slightly narrowed.

After a moment, Rohan sighs softly before letting out a quiet chuckle. He had erased you and rewrote every part of you, bit by bit yet somehow your former self, your true self still refused to give in to him.  

It was beginning to become tiresome.

"It's back to the drawing board," he smirks as Heaven's Door appears.

No matter how many times he would have to restart he'd keep you here with him to remain his pretty little wife.

No matter how many times he would have to restart he'd keep you here with him to remain his pretty little wife

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