➷ Cioccolata | Till Death Do Us Part

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Death, mention of blood



Life and death, two sides of the same coin.

"Till death do us part, Cioccolata," you smile while feeding Secco some sugar cubes.

The man regards you with an amused grin before saying, "That is if you can successfully survive my experiments, amor."

In response to that, you merely smile, a secretive smile Cioccolata has yet to discern. This type of smile you'd show him was both insufferable yet endearing, for you only showed it in response to his experiments.

So far, he's conducted 30 experiments and still, you have yet to break.

In a way, it's arousingly exciting that the experiments that were meant to take your life didn't seem to last long. On more than one occasion he's used his medical knowledge to stop your heart, but the pleasant sight of your death never remained.

Hearing your soft laughter, Cioccolata's pulled away from his thoughts to see you embracing Secco. He observes your interactions with him, debating on finishing you off for good. With the use of his own hands or Green Day, he could get rid of you easily, but the thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

Maybe it's because he and his lovely Secco enjoy your company.

Ignoring the sickeningly endearing thought, he decides to conduct his final experiment with you.

"Are you ready, [Y/n]," he asks with a grin.

"Of course," you laugh.

Secco grabs the cam recorder and lifts it up dutifully, the camera actively focused on you as you took the position Cioccolata instructs you to be in.

"All you have to do is reach the top floor in 30 minutes," Cioccolata grins, "But be mindful of your position near the ground."

That was the only hint he'd give you, yet still, you gave him that insufferable smile.

"I understand," you respond smoothly as you face the hallway.

The obstacle course Cioccolata has set up would prove to be a challenge, one where if you weren't careful would result in your death. Dying was no simple thing and the pain that could be inflicted upon you wasn't a laughing matter either but in the end, you felt no fear.

There was no need for you to fear death.

Hearing the familiar beep of the timer, the experiment begins as you head up to the first floor. The room resembles an upside-down house, furniture stuck to the ceiling in various places. Running toward the wall, you kick off before grabbing the handrail of the chair. Using your upper body strength, you easily pull your legs up slightly before swinging your body to grab onto the next chair.

It took you 3 minutes to swing across the room before pulling yourself up onto the second floor.

"One floor down, five to go," you grin as you make your way toward the stairs.

Hopping up the steps two at a time, unexpectedly they receded and you begin to slide down. A noise of surprise escapes you as you struggle to gain purchase, your hands quickly grabbing onto the rail. You sigh softly once your quick descent has stopped, but you knew it didn't come without a cost.

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