➷ Jotaro | A Mermaid's Tale | Part IV

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Once you are a good distance away from the warehouse you breach the water, eyes focusing on the burning building. The small forms of humans running in and out of the place showed how chaotic the situation had become. The scent of human blood, ash, and other foreign smells invade your senses, causing your growing worry to spike.

"I cannot dawdle here,"  you frown.

Remembering what Jotaro had told you, you plan to set off in the direction of the cove but before you could dart beneath the water Fae breaches the water next to you.

"[Y/n], where are you going," she asks with an expression filled with concern.

"There's something I must do," you reply.

"What," she hisses in bewilderment, "But it's no longer safe for us here!"

"I know," you sigh, "but it's something important."

Fae's concern grows more as she reaches toward you, a protest at the ready, "But—!"

"It's alright, Fae," you clasp her hand, your expression serious, "I have to do this, or more unwanted trouble will come upon us."

Fae wanted so much to plead with you to just leave, but from experience, she knew you were doing what's best for the pod.

This is why you are such a good leader.

Sighing wearily, Fae gives a reluctant nod before uttering, "Alright, I understand."

"Good," you smile before commanding, "Now, take everyone to the place we found, if I'm not back within 10 minutes you must go on without me."

"What," Fae yells in shock while shaking her head, "We won't leave you!"

Your expression doesn't change as you whisper, "Fae, promise me."

Once again she wanted to plead with you, yet she knew you wouldn't listen to her.

"I promise," she mumbles.

Releasing your grip on her hands, you ease away from her before sinking beneath the water. Fae followed close, watching as you prepared to swim in the opposite direction.

Sighing, her expression is stern as she says, "Make sure to come back in one piece!"

With a soft laugh and a simple wave of your hand you respond with, "I will!"

After that, you and Fae part ways.

Your form sped through the water, alarming a small pod of fish in the process as you made your way back to the cove. You wouldn't be surprised if Jotaro was already there for the amount of time it took to speak with Fae took longer than expected. Not wanting to waste any more time you speed up and soon enough, you were passing through the cove's entrance.

Peering out of the water briefly, you release a small sigh the moment Jotaro rounds the corner.

Good, you were just in time.

He walks over to the ledge where he finds you already waiting for him, your expression filled with discontent.

"It's no longer safe here," you whisper solemnly.

Jotaro frowns at this as he says, "You can't leave."

The man knew his heart wouldn't be able to bear it if you were to slip from his grasp, never to be seen again. The happiness and love you gave him is something he was too selfish to give up, something he couldn't bear to lose.

If you left, he would never see your smile again.

He would never be able to hear your voice.

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