➷ Giorno | il mio

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Catch me if you can, Giorno.

Your mind felt slightly muddled as you slowly regained consciousness. The numbness in your arms and legs slowly ebbed away as you lifted your head, vision slightly out of focus. Once your awareness had fully returned to you, you noticed the uncomfortable position you were in. You happened to be chained to the ceiling, your wrists bound above your head by a set of rusty cuffs.

Clenching your hands, you feel the subtle sign of weakness in the cuffs. A grin slid on your face at this, knowing those who kidnapped you had bound you with a weak form of restraints.

They didn't even bind your legs!

The laugh that wanted to leave you was repressed at the sound of a heavy lock being opened. You schooled your features into one of calm as a woman with short black hair dressed in a red halter jumpsuit walked in. The click of her heels was the only sound made as she walked toward you, her brown eyes taking a moment to run across your figure.

"My eyes are up here," you snicker out.

A frown slips onto the woman's lips before she smirks.

"Remember when I told you that the next time we meet, I was going to kill you?"

You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.

"You haven't changed at all, Emilia," you sighed, "you're still a grouch."

A sudden punch to the gut causes you to suck in a breath, your abdomen throbbing from the harsh attack.

"I'm not playing any games with you, [Y/n]." She clicks her tongue.

"Then, what do you want?" You wheeze out.

"Oh, so now you want to be serious," Emilia laughs, "Fine then, I guess we can talk."

Emilia grins as she said, "I've been hired to kill you."

"Tell me something I don't know." You snort.

Scowling, Emilia began to walk around you in circles.

"The job to take down Giovanna was given to you, yet you've constantly let him go."

"It takes time to knock off someone like that," your eyes shifted slightly to the left before returning to the door, "After all, he is the Don of Passione."

"That doesn't matter." She stops her circling and stands back in front of you, arms crossed and frown present.

She gives you a look that could easily be mistaken for pity as she says, "[Y/n], there is a code that must be followed, but allowing your personal feelings to get in the way of that has only hindered you."

"But, that makes my job easier." She laughs haughtily.

A threatening grin stretches across Emilia's face as a shimmering figure materializes behind her. Its body that resembled steel shone brightly in the room you were trapped in, causing you to squint slightly. The being floating behind her back was small and feminine, its arms and legs resembling large spikes while three spikes were attached to the top of her head. The hair in the stand's head was long, but sharpened points stuck out as it grew longer.

"Now, have a taste of my Razor's Edge!" Emilia proclaims.

Razor's Edge arm extends, its body rushing forward to skewer you. Without flinching the spike of Razor Edge pierces your stomach.

"What's this?!" Emilia exclaims.

A dark void had manifested on your stomach, allowing the spike to faze through you.

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