➷ Jonathan | Summons

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Demon AU

Call my name, for when you do, I will come.

The tears that fell from your eyes did nothing to your tormentor's cruel hearts. Your pain-filled screams only caused their twisted expressions to grow.

Your head hurts and your body aches.

"Please... Let me go..." You plead.

"Shut up!" A harsh kick to your stomach causes you to choke, blood spilling past your bruised lips.

"You ungrateful girl..." A woman speaks.

She was the leader of this dreadful group.

"You should be happy your life is going to a worthy cause!" She cackles.

With a snap of her fingers, you're picked up and tossed on to the summoning circle. Already injured and bleeding, you don't put up a fight. You lay against the cold wooden planks, your vision slowly becoming hazy.

Faintly, you hear the people surrounding you speak in a different language. As the ritual began and your hope slowly dwindling, you began to remember the good times of your life.

More tears spilled from your eyes as you thought about the one person who was always there for you. He always made you laugh and smile, but now, you would never see him again.

Darkness being a welcoming sight, you whisper his name one last time.



His body freezes at the gentle whisper of his name, your voice filled with pain. Red began to bleed into his blue eyes as he sensed your immense fear.

Someone had hurt you, and they would pay immensely for it.

Without wasting any time, Jonathan rushes to you. He manages to find your location only from the gentle singing of your soul, which sounded so weak.

Frowning, Jonathan stares at the old wooden cabin. The place reeked of blood and death, innocent lives being lost to a dreadful place such as this.

Then, the gentle rustling of a bush catches his attention as an imp pops out.

So, those foolish humans were trying to summon a demon.

The lesser demon was easily disposed of before Jonathan decided to make his grand appearance to such disgusting creatures.

The summoning circle had begun to glow, allowing the cultists to realize that their plan was working. With joyful cries, the incantation was completed as Jonathan made his appearance.

No longer did Jonathan appear human. His blue tresses had taken on a slightly darker tone as black goat horns jutted from his head and curled above his goat-like ears. His beautiful blue eyes enrapture the humans before him, their expressions showing how truly mesmerized they were by his appearance.

Unnoticed, Jonathan walks out the summoning circle, unbothered by the weak entrapment that had been placed.

Finally, the leader of the group manages to snap out of her stupor as she begins to say, "Oh, great and power—"

She is interrupted the moment the two people standing in front of her drop like flies as blood begins to spread.

Bewildered, she looks at Jonathan, but before she could say anything he makes another move. 

Two more drops to the ground as he rushes forward, too fast for them to try and defend themselves. Chuckling softly, their life essence coating his claws making him feel excited.

The leader drops to her knees while exclaiming, "What could we have done to anger you?!"

Jonathan turns away from the cowering men, his blue eyes now red.

"You decided to hurt what's mine!" He snarls.

The remaining people drop to their knees, begging for their lives.

Jonathan feels disgusted by their demeanor, but he ignores them the moment his eyes land on you. With a quick wave of his hand, he subdues the cowering humans, trapping them in their kneeling position. Then, in an instant, he was by your side and calling your name.

A second passes and you don't respond, causing him to believe you were dead, but a weak cough from you relieves him of this fear.

"J-Jonathan...?" You cough again.

"Shh, shh, I've got you." He rubs your back as he gently pulls you against him.

"I-it hurts..." A broken sob spills past your bruised lips.

"I know, but the pain will be gone soon enough." He soothes.

Jonathan gently wipes the tears from your eyes as he cradles you close. His embrace and soothing touches eased your pain somewhat as you relax against him, your sobs slowly dying down.

Exhaustion taking over, you allowed sleep to claim you as Jonathan presses a kiss to your forehead. His crimson gaze narrows and in that instant, a flame seemingly sparks out of nowhere. The roaring flames begin to spread at a fast pace, causing panic to swell up inside those still alive.

Making sure you were secure in his hold Jonathan ignores them as he heads for the door.

"Wait...!" One proclaims.

"Please, don't leave...!" Another begs.

"Help us!" A pain-filled scream gets lost in the loud crackling of the flames.

He ignores their call as the flames continue to grow, trapping them inside. A passage is opened before him as he walks through the door, the screams of the remaining individuals sounding behind him.

Eyes now back to their mesmerizing blue, he looks at you with an expression of adoration. He presses his lips against yours for a moment before pulling away, his forehead gently touching yours.

With a gentle smile, he whispers, "It's alright now, [Y/n]. They'll never hurt you again."


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